Stuck in a log-in loop in XPsp2

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by pathman, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. pathman

    pathman Private E-2

    My fathers Dell Inspiron 710m XPproSP2 recently got hit with a pretty malicious virus. I ran through the basic removal guidelines and all was well. I reinstalled and updated w\ the latest version of symantec and it started finding a few viruses. Didn't have time to write down what it was, but it was some trojan win!un or something (sorry, poor memory).

    I couldn't open anything so I thought i'd run a scan in safe mode, but now i'm stuck in a login screen loop where when i log in, it immediately logs off w\ the "saving your settings" message and bounces me back to the log in screen.

    Is there anything i can do? I can get into the recovery console if that helps.
    sorry I cant post logs, but I cant get into windows to get them. I did follow the removal guidelines to a T. thanks in advance for your time!
  2. pathman

    pathman Private E-2

    I forgot to add that when everything seemed to be working fine, I had disabled windows recovery and was in the process of rebooting before resetting the recovery point.
  3. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    Welcome to Major Geeks!

    Can you bootup and login in safe mode?

    At this point you are outside of the realm of malware removal since you cannot successfully boot and login. Your next steps would normally be running the below and posting in the Software Forum for any help needed with this.;en-us;307545&sd=tech

    However since you too quickly deleted restore points, you may have a problem in that you will not have any System Restore points to use in part 2. If that is the case, you will be looking at reinstalling rather than using a restore point.

    Once you can boot your system and login, we can help you with malware removal.
  4. pathman

    pathman Private E-2

    nope - same thing happens in safe mode. i can get to a dos prompt and that's about it...

    out of luck?
  5. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

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