SuperMWindow Problem - Need help!!!

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by aianrnoens, Oct 1, 2006.

  1. aianrnoens

    aianrnoens Private E-2


    Firefox and IEExplorer have been freezing and shutting down for no apperant reason. I looked into my startup list and there was no extra programs same in the services list. I then opened task manager and checked all the processes running there and they were all legit no problem. I did a full scan with the latest version of avg free caught some minor trojans but after removing these the problems were still there.

    I then did a reboot and a program called "SuperMWindow" wouldnt close thus an end task window came up and asked me to close it. I canceled and windows refused to shut down.

    so I restarted my computer. I then opened endtask pro and found "SuperMWindow"

    It was located in the invisible windows. It was running as the process explorer.exe. I then showed the window and closed it. After checking firefox and iexplorer the problem is gone.

    I searched on the internet and there is nothing for supermwindow. I dont know if this is a legit microsoft thing or a malware that has infected my explorer.exe file.

    if anybody could give me a clue here it would be grateful. I regulerily run the scans located in the readme and keep my computer clean.

    I run Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004

    Thanks abunch
  2. aianrnoens

    aianrnoens Private E-2

    sry I posted in the wrong forum. I will repost in the malware forum
  3. cwford

    cwford Private E-2

    Having EXACTLY the same problem. Would like to know what else you've found out about resolving it. I'm running a Win2K system and get hangs with IE and FF also msg about shutting down SuperMWindow. Yours is only post I've seen.

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