System tray vista 64

Discussion in 'Software' started by paradoxdream, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. paradoxdream

    paradoxdream Private First Class

    I need some help with system tray currently I am using Object docks+ and it cant show system tray icons in vista64 so i need an alternative means of showing the icons like a sidebar gadget or a program that will make the icons expand like a start menu or some thing
    I had a similar problem with the start menu in OD+ but used a program called Vista start menu to get around it and would like to do the same with the system tray icons that will give me all the click/rightclick options as well
    any suggestion on how to accomplish this would be GREATLY appreciated as this is the only thing I have left to make vista64 look and operate the way I want and its driving me crazy:cry:confused:cry
  2. Cordialis

    Cordialis MajorGeek

    What about using Quick Launch? It's easy to put all icons in there so that they'll show on the list. Article here. Quick Launch is my favourite (XP) feature.
  3. paradoxdream

    paradoxdream Private First Class

    Na I don't think thats gona do it because the way i have it set their is no more tool bar I use object docks + to show all my minimized windows
    so when ever i want to see the Icons by the clock i need to disable OD+ for a second
    Is thier no sidebar gadget for vista64 or any programs at all to display the icons by the clock with all the left click / right click options??

    hear is a link to a video I made of my desktop so far so you can see what i mean ( excuse the show boating in the video made it for my friends)
  4. Cordialis

    Cordialis MajorGeek

    :cool You know so much about it already. :-D

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