Terrible Internet In the Day

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by seniorfrito, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. seniorfrito

    seniorfrito Private E-2

    Ok, I've been dealing with this problem for a long time now. Usually I can figure this crap out just by messing with things or going online and finding info out myself. But, I've tried everything.

    During the day I have terrible internet. Mornings, very early, I have perfect internet. Well perfect for me means, almost what we're paying for. What we're paying for is 7 Mbps. On a good morning, I can get 6.5 Mb/s. I check my speed on speedtest.net pretty much daily. So when it's not morning, I get about 1.6Mb/s on a good day and .5Mb/s on a bad day.

    I've talked to my ISP multiple times and quite frankly they're very unhelpful. See I live in Italy. Naples to be exact. And so I don't expect brilliant speed, but I expect to get what they're telling me they're reading that I'm getting. Basically what they do whenever I call is they check and see what my modem is getting. And to be honest, they're right. Everytime they tell me, I check the modem status page and my down stream is 8123 (Kbps).

    Anyway without going into a huge list of things I've had to deal with, with my ISP (Telecom Italia) I'll just say that they're latest piece of advice was that it had to do with my firewall. My modems firewall. They also told me that my modem that they provided for me, (ADSL Modem/Wireless router combined) wasn't good. So I went out and got a brand new modem. Turns out it's no better and it turns out the newer modem is a bit more complicated than the first.

    Current modem is a Sitecom ADSL2+ Model DC-227 v2.
    This is what my ADSL Status page looks like:

    Both the firewall and NAT are enabled. I should mention that turning NAT protection off disables connection. To be honest I don't know if this has anything to do with the modem. It could be the poor wiring in the house. It could also have to do with the fact that I live in an apartment type complex and the ISP is screwing us all over by making us share bandwidth.

    But, what doesn't make sense is that my modem constantly tells me I'm getting 8123 kbps.

    I don't know a whole lot about all this, but I want to figure out why this is happening. This ISP is my only option and they're not very helpful. They try to avoid house calls as much as possible. And if they see on their end that everything looks fine, they just want to be done with me. And I really can't give them a piece of my mind because most often they only speak Italian.

    Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated. Here's a current speed test result.
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    To start off have to say great information you have supplied, wish many more would follow you.

    Yeah weird that your router/modem is stating your connection is at 8mb/s download, so its connecting ok to the speed you should be getting.

    Just a few thoughts, and first off is what Windows version and Service Pack are you using?

    You could try disabling autotuning from Windows to the Router as this can at times affect speed, so open a Command Prompt (CMD) window and if using Vista/Win7 then do this from an elevated CMD prompt, so just right click CMD and choose Run as Administrator

    then enter at the prompt
    netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disabled
    and hit enter then reboot and try the internet.

    Have you unplugged all phones in the house and just had the router plugged in only to test? do also change the ADSL filter, they can go bad and fail causing speed issues.

    Are you using a telephone extention cable from the phone socket to the router?

    *outside chance is that the ISP is throttling the connections of all users in your area at peek times, which is why early morning you are ok and later you are not, they load balance over adding more bandwidth to the subscribers, a pittiful service but many do this, so check if any neighbours on same ISP have issues like yours.
  3. seniorfrito

    seniorfrito Private E-2

    Windows 7 64-bit. Not sure what Service Pack. Have they had one yet? It'll be the latest whatever it is because I download every update. I feel like I should know that, but can't seem to figure out where to check on my computer.

    I tried the command. After restarting, I had the same results. Also previously I have tried unplugging everything in the house except for a single computer. Same result. I am using a telephone extension cable from a phone socket to the modem. I have tried using a different cable and I have tried using a different wall jack. I have even just tried checking the house wire and seeing that all connections were secure.

    Now you could be right about the throttling. Is there any way to find out if I am being throttled? Would my down stream still say 8123 kbps if I was being throttled?

    I have checked with neighbors before and what I've found out is that they usually have this problem, but not quite as bad. Meaning they're speeds aren't quite as slow. And this is during so called "peak hours". Peak hours for Italians are kind of hard to determine because I wouldn't expect internet usage to be high throughout the day. I'd expect it to be very late at night. And yet this slowness goes on from pretty much 9am-6am the next day.

    Anyway, I hope this makes things a little more clear.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2010
  4. seniorfrito

    seniorfrito Private E-2

    I'm suspecting there is some major throttling going on here. Like I said, I've contacted these people time and time again only to be told nothing is wrong on their end. Here's an updated speed test.

    I've been searching around trying to find out if there is a way to detect if I'm being throttled. I've been unsuccessful. This problem began to get very bad at 3PM and has been intermittent since then. It is now 6PM and I've gotten up to 1Mb/s, but like the speed test says, I'm back down again. I really can't stand this because for when I'm off work I'd really like to use the internet, but there's pretty much no point. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I also noticed that the ISP has changed from my first speedtest to my second. The first just says Telecom Italia, whereas the seconds says Telecom Italia Wireline. I wonder if that has something to do with it.

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