The System Tray Myth & XP v. Vista v. 7 Comments

Discussion in 'Software' started by AtlBo, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. AtlBo

    AtlBo Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Not really a question, but I do have alot of them. rolleyes

    This is mostly for laughs, but I hope it's a little bit of a commentary too. This is what "if there's a will there's a way" has gotten me. I hope you guys aren't angry with me when it's over. I mean no harm to anyone I promise...:-o

    This is kind of long with the list, but I'll try to keep it brief with bits of sentences.

    Impressions of the MS OSes and the need to add freeware (software) to handle MS bundled (bungled) system apps

    XP-not many native fixes in XP I don't think. I do think boot can help heal some things. Mostly just breaks, honestly
    Vista-more in the way of auto fixes. The installation disk is better, and there are many more options there. I haven't used Vista, but I think there are a decent number of fixes...again many during boot (I mean auto ones no CD/DVD) but some during run time like after turning off a program that causes lots of changes
    7-I've used 7 some and read about it enough. I think 7 has alot of native run time and boot fixes. Way better than XP in that way. Installation disk is better than Vista and the Advanced boot options I think are better. Almost fool proof is my impression of 7s boot capabilities

    Need for Freeware (Software) for normal operations (defrag, cleanup, standby, search, etc.) and for normal use (ergonomics and run time optimization)...rating 0-10
    XP-8 (I wouldn't scoff at 9 or 10 here)
    Windows 7-2

    On my XP Pro SP3 machine, these run in the system tray, using 2-4% of system resources at idle total.

    HP DC7700
    Windows XP SP 3 (All .NET additions through 4.0 and all updates)
    Intel E6400 core2duo processor 2.13 GHz
    Nvidia Quadro NVS 290 graphics card (256 MB)
    250 MB hard drive x 2 (60% free space on C:) 110 GB USB external hard drive
    4 GB dual channel RAM memory
    Opera default browser

    1. Avast-A/V
    2. Connection icon-mandatory
    3. HP Credential Manager-Cool HP support feature. Tons of tools and help goes directly to the problem. Fetch MS updates...amazing program
    4. WebMon-Web page changes notifications
    5. Rainmeter-Omnimo Theme for reaching things fast on the desktop. No systray icon/no Rainmeter
    6. Sofonica Folder Soldier-Fastest way to open folder locker
    7. WakeupOnStandBy-Wake PC from stand by at 3:30 AM for nightly backup...different ones/same time. Handles the job of broken scheduler...yeah I know create an XP account, zombie...
    8. WakeupOnStandBy-Wake PC from stand by at 5:00 AM run CCleaner to remove temp internet files. Handles the job of broken scheduler...y I k c a XP a, zombie...
    9. Styler-Visual Styles adjustment on boot
    10. RealTek HD Audio-System default adjustments
    11. True Transparency-Windows 8 Transformation Pack installs. Aero Glass see through window borders. Overrides Styler. I like it, but I hope W8TP developers will put this and below in a menu along with Vista Drive Icon
    12. WinFlip-Windows 8 Transformation Pack installs. I like it, so it's open. Flip through 3D windows which show on mouse wheel click
    13. Dragon NaturallySpeaking-Best place to start it
    14. GBoost-Optimizer...starts in tray so I leave it
    15. JetBoost-...same as GBoost
    16. ProcessLasso-Optimizer...same as above two. Try the 250 ms setting :)
    17. SpeedFan-Omnimo temp tiles use it. Must be open
    18. Volume^2 (Squared)-Where is the MS sound icon?...I don't know either. This program has excellent features
    19. System Explorer-Juiced Task Manager. Here for access
    20. Smart Shutdown-W8TP took care of auto stand by from MS. Slaw dog took care of W8TP with Smart Shutdown :)
    21. MS Office Outlook-This is where it opens from period
    22. HP Embedded Security-HP smart chip that I haven't activated. I have done the reading, and it's very interesting. Super way out features for business settings especially. I choose to leave it out of respect for the idea. Supposedly works with fingerprint verification

    I think we're over the edge telling everyone to get everything out of system tray. I'm getting core2duo that idles at 2-4%...and I work it hard. 3 Optimizers (you gotta try this) and the system temps are CPUs->40-45 max, GPU 60-65 max (rated for 95). For a 2007 machine, this cuts games like butter...

    OK now on to reliability. With this set up, I haven't had a system problem in I don't know how long. In 2 years, not a blink on the hardware. I work it hard, but I respect what's happening inside, and I think that's the key. This is the perfect machine.

    Comment: With all the underpowered machines, why aren't we telling people what they can have? I put GBoost and ProcessLasso on my father's PC and set them up correctly, and he's like all over the place. He's 80. His PC...1.7 GHz P4 with 1 gig. Sound comes out the side...uphill to school in the snow...all the rest.

    Microsoft. I have figured out how to buy XP. Paying for an installing the disk will get you to the land of living in sickness and disease. It takes installing roughly 20 system "repair" programs to override MS malfunctions in XP. That said, what do I care? This thing is kicking @ss. I can't even hear it it's so smooth. ProcessLasso empowers the machine with every action of the program...not even of the user. This is beauty in action.

    I know Vista and 7 are better, especially 7, but none of them are an OS without some after the purchase software.

    Just me, but I think it's time to give up on lame commentaries on what's evil and not evil. I defrag every night in my sleep. It takes the PC like 15 seconds for 3 drives, because I do it every day. All I hear is how bad this is to do. This is crazy. We should be over the edge for scheduled disk clean ups, not telling people not to defrag.

    I say let's think of all the chaps and ladies out there working with their underpowered machines and start telling them about what they can absolutely healthy PC that will replace itself with a better one when the time is right! I've run 10-15 programs in the system tray of a 2.4 Ghz P4 (My father gave that one to a co-worker (yep working at 80...5 days a week in shipping at a dept store)), and they were the kind of apps that help with run time and with PC health. Not that a part won't walk off to its eternal destiny. They will, but machines and their people can both be happy!

    I left the setup on that P4 I gave away as it was when I was using resets, etc., because I knew it couldn't be done better. And I knew it would get the next person (a novice) to the next level. My father chipped in his old IBM LED flat screen 15" and gave it to the same person. I got a new monitor and my father got my 17" almost new HP. That was satisfying. Some of you guys I know know what I mean.

    Heck you wouldn't be here if you didn't...:major


    If you care to...what's the most adventurous you've been testing programs? How many items in your system tray?

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