Thoughts on the new starwars game?

Discussion in 'Software' started by BluesMan, Sep 19, 2004.

  1. BluesMan

    BluesMan Sgt. Snot Bubble

    I think its called BattleFront? Can't remember, saw a commercial for it on tv while fixing a clients guitar. Worth picking up?
  2. MCSEGeek

    MCSEGeek Private E-2

    Well, from what I've read, it's going to be pretty good. It's going to be a very simular engine to BF1942 in regards to game play and controls, and the best thing is that there's NO monthly fee to play. I already have a reserved copy so if anyone wants to wait to get it, I'll post some first thoughts Wedensday evening.
  3. NeoNemesis

    NeoNemesis Moutharrhea

    wait so its fps? thats amazing! and from the commercials it looks as though its the old star wars, not the new cuse in the commercials you could be a storm trooper, HOW COOL IS THAT!!!
  4. MCSEGeek

    MCSEGeek Private E-2

  5. SiLenZe

    SiLenZe Private First Class

    basicaly the game was made for multiplayer. i think they used the batlefield 1942 engine.
    if you play single player its aweful, but multiplayer is where the game gets fun.
  6. Omegamerc

    Omegamerc MajorGeek

    yep heard that too.
  7. Kodo


    never played a lucas arts game that had good single player.
  8. Anon-15281db623

    Anon-15281db623 Anonymized

    Ill have it by Wednesday too. I will let you know what i think.

    I hope it is as good as BF1942! That would be soo sweet....I cant wait to jump into some AT-ATs and stomp some rebel scum! Muuuahahhahahahahah


  9. Jamiko

    Jamiko Sergeant

    I'm picking up the PC version when it gets in (pre-ordered). It looks to be fun. I do question how much different it will be than running the Star Wars mod for BF1942.

    I did read that this is their own engine, not related the BF1942 though. It should play a lot like it though, sounds like the same basic gameplay design and that is a good thing. I can't get enough BF1942.

    I will post my thoughts after I get some time in as well.
  10. Jamiko

    Jamiko Sergeant

    First Impressions are not good. It almost would not install. Kept losing track of the CD for some reason. It kept telling me to put in Disk 2 when it was already in. After about an hour of play, I'm regretting the purchase. I was 10 when the first Star Wars movie came out and this seemed like it would be really great for me.

    I have not played any multiplayer yet, so I won't review that portion. Truth is, everyone says that is the whole point of this game so I could be in for a suprise. I tried to join around 6 servers but nothing ever happened.

    I'll give it some more time, if nothing else for the nostalgia factor.
  11. jarcher

    jarcher I can't handle a title

    Lucas arts games always have problems
    when I gotJK Jedi Acadmy
    I had a hard time installing it
    and when I got it
    it kept freezing up and shutting down

    but as far as Battlefront goes, got it yesterday
    I had to, its a SW title
    it a capture the flag game more or less
    but it is kinda neat how they put all the movies together
    that and you can pick off ewoks with a sniper rifle

    I don't like knowing who I am going to be next
    first your fighting the republic
    then you are the republic
    I give it a six(maybe)
  12. Jamiko

    Jamiko Sergeant

    Maybe I'm not a big enough Star Wars geek, but some of the goals in the single player are hard to understand for me. It will say something like "Destroy the OOTS." and I sit there thinking "waht is an OOTS?" and so I'm not sure what to do. BTW, I just made up OOTS so don't go trying to tell me what it is.

    I'll hopefully get into some multiplayer games soon.

    I did play some instant action and got myself into an AT-AT so that was pretty fun, but it seemed like I got killed awfully easily most of the time. It is cool to be able to take part in some of these battles from the movies. I haven't had the opportunity to shoot any ewoks yet.
  13. animatorStrike

    animatorStrike <a href="">Rid

    I've had the chance to shoot me some ewoks. First with the bowcaster and then with a torpedo cannon. I'm a cruel person. :p
  14. jarcher

    jarcher I can't handle a title

    the only cool thing about the wookie is that he can take more damage. . .oh and the time bomb
  15. jarcher

    jarcher I can't handle a title

    thats just, bad. . . . .
  16. Anon-15281db623

    Anon-15281db623 Anonymized

    I was disapointed. Graphics kinda suck, sound, and video options suck. The background sux, and the controls are kinda funny. At least IMO.

    Over all i would give it a 6/10. Multiplayer gives it the first 5 points. I love the veichils you can get in. ;)....i love shooting wookies in an ATAT..hehehe


  17. ColonelAngus

    ColonelAngus Beefy

    It's no Halo! It should have been just like Halo in everyway except in the Star Wars universe. It's pretty lame. I got bored of it very fast. I got even more bored cause' my friends are gamers and good game or not they play until they beat it. I sit there for hours staring at the screen bored.

    Thumbs waaaaay down. Not a very fun game.
  18. Jamiko

    Jamiko Sergeant

    Still have not played the multiplayer at all. Being a huge Star Wars fan (I saw every movie in the theatre in original release) I am enjoying the single player campaign. In fact, the more I play it, the more I like it.

    My first impressions were pretty low, but they have risen each time I play. The AI is not nearly as bad as the BF:1942 bots in my opinion. Sometimes the bots even suprise me with how good they are. The vehicles are all fun (except the flying ones). I am happy with the purchase at this point. I have gotten my money's worth.

    If you aren't a big Star Wars fan, you should probably pass.
  19. jarcher

    jarcher I can't handle a title



    but Republic Commando looks pretty good
    so far

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