Thunderbird sending BCC to multiple recipients

Discussion in 'Software' started by overdue, Dec 14, 2005.

  1. overdue

    overdue Private E-2

    I'm trying to send multiple BCC's to persons located in my address book but the address book has only two options "Add to To:" and "Add to Cc:"

    In Outlook Express I can highlight multiple entrys and hit the BCC option and I'm done!

    In Thunderbird I have to change every entry separately (a pain in the butt if I have 20 entrys)


  2. jujet84

    jujet84 Master Sergeant

    If you hi-lite your first entry and at the same time use your shift key you can add as manyas you want all at once.
  3. overdue

    overdue Private E-2

    Thanks Serge

    That wasn't quite It.... but it lead me to the solution!

    If you hilight the entrys you want either by using the shift or control key and then Right Click!, ALL the options come up
  4. jujet84

    jujet84 Master Sergeant

    :cool: ya learn somethin new every day.

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