Top Ten Gadgets summer 2010

Discussion in 'Software' started by fixrite, Jun 23, 2010.

  1. fixrite

    fixrite Private E-2

  2. Burrell

    Burrell MajorGeek

    I think that list is poor, surely there must be more interesting stuff than that!
  3. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    The Nike Free shoes are awesome. I have a pair. I wouldn't call them gadgets though. confused.

    That camera is sick. I'd definitely call that an ultimate gadget.

    The rest of the list....meh.
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Not a bad list of gadgets, would I want any of them, other than the Nikon, personally no, but then and this is were I'm going with my post is, that the top 10 lists are variable, depends on whos doing them I guess.

    As a gadget watch, this would be mine Tissot t-Touch
  5. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah, that's a sweet looking watch, D. My husband is a total watch fanatic and has a great collection. I may have to keep that one in mind.
  6. Spad

    Spad MajorGeek

    Yeah - I don't get that either. Gadget? Now the camera - that is a gadget!

    Just an aside . . . the other day I was working on my house, repairing a bay window that had some bad wood (not a good angle anywhere on the thing . . . of course, it's over one hundred years old. Come to think of it, I'm not near as old as the house and there aren't many good angles on me for that matter . . . :-D). Anyway, I got to thinking what a cool gadget someone from, say, the bronze age would have thought my simple hammer was . . . and considered how our gadget awe has become jaded with our bounding technology.

    Of course, I may have been out in the sun too long . . . :confused
  7. runningcart

    runningcart Corporal

    with the shoes is it refering to the 'nike +' bit? thats a gadget surely?
    its a small transmitter thats goes inside the sole of the shoe which links with your ipod and tracks distance and speed etc.

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