Trillian with Firefox

Discussion in 'Software' started by Greyhound, Jul 25, 2004.

  1. Greyhound

    Greyhound Sergeant

    Does anyone have a problem running Trillian with Firefox? I use MSN, ICQ, Yahoo, and AIM with mine and when I have any hotmail it lets me know. When I click on hotmail, it doesn't go anyplace. When I run it with IE, it works fine. Anyone have any suggestions? :confused:
  2. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek


    What version of Trillian (0.74I)? What version of FF (0.9.1)? Any FF Extentions installed?
  3. Greyhound

    Greyhound Sergeant

    Latest version of Both. But, just checked it out with IE and without any browser, it doesn't work either way. So it is not the browsers at all, it is Trillian, I also have the patch too.
  4. Greyhound

    Greyhound Sergeant

    OOPS, sorry about that.
  5. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    Not sure. I still had Trillian installed but I've switched to GAIM. Best bet would be to ask on the Trillian forums since it is most likely a Trillian problem. Try opening up MS Word and clicking on a hyperlink in a document to see if that works. If it doesn't work with either IE or FF, then there's possibly something messed up with DDE/OLE (the Windows component that shares data between applications).
  6. Greyhound

    Greyhound Sergeant

    I have submitted it to Trillian forum, just waiting for a reply. Will try that other in MSWord though. Thanks
  7. Greyhound

    Greyhound Sergeant

    Okay, hyperlinks are not working in MS Word, so now where do I find out how to fix those.?
  8. Greyhound

    Greyhound Sergeant

    My mistake, they are working as I forgot to use Cntrl key with mouse. So it is just Trillian that is goofing up.
  9. acejones

    acejones A Different Title

    trillian doesn't open hotmail for me either. using .74 with patch f
  10. Greyhound

    Greyhound Sergeant

    I just wonder if it was that patch, as it used to open hotmail okay.

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