Trojan/Virus - cannot clean system

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by chanchan, Nov 19, 2005.

  1. chanchan

    chanchan Private E-2

    I was infected with a trojan the other day and cannot seem to clean my system. I keep getting pop-up ads and IE crashing regardless if I have IE open or not. The error message I recieve when IE crashes is "Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." Nothing about sending or viewing an error report. I'm not even using IE, yet I'm receiving this error message and these pop-up ads.

    Here is what I've currently done/ran:

    Norton Antivirus

    I ran these programs both in Safe Mode and normal.

    I've also unchecked enable third-party browser extensions and made sure all Browser Helper Objects were safe. I then ran a registry cleaner.

    Here is my hijackthis log:

    • Edit by bjgarrick: Unrequested, Inline HJT log removed!
    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2005
  2. Shadow_Puter_Dude

    Shadow_Puter_Dude MG Authorized Malware Fighter

    Do not copy and paste logs into your post: always include them as attachments.

    We request that everyone first complete or standard removal process before requesting help.

    Please follow the steps below:

    - Run ALL the steps in this Sticky thread READ & RUN ME FIRST Before Asking for Support

    Make sure you check version numbers and get all updates.

    - Very Important: Make sure you tell us the results from running the tutorial...was anything found? Were you unable to complete any of the scans?...Were you unable to download any of the tools?...Did you do the on-line scans as suggested? etc.

    After doing ALL of the above you still have a problem make sure you have booted to normal mode and run the steps in the below link to properly use HijackThis:

    Downloading, Installing, and Running HijackThis

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