trouble converting .mov files

Discussion in 'Software' started by h2osxx, May 3, 2010.

  1. h2osxx

    h2osxx Private E-2

    Any thoughts on converting(free software!) files from dig. camera (.mov) to copyable formats. My DVD burner wont copy them even after converting? tks all. Use a Pioneer DVD external burner.

    tks all
  2. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    If you're trying to convert the files to standard DVD format for playback on your home DVD player, I personally recommend DVDFlick. The "how-to-use-DVDFlick" guide can be found at this link. It can convert and burn just about any video file to std DVD for playback in any regular home DVD player. I used it for years until I purchased a DVD player that also plays DivX/XViD files, so I don't convert to DVD much anymore, but DVDFlick is excellent and free. Depending on your PC specs, it can take up to 90min or more to finish the process, so be patient, and try to not use your PC at all during the conversion, disable your screensaver and turn off the monitor, and go have a pizza or something, and be sure to have a blank DVD in the drive before starting the conversion (duh). If your DVD player has DivX support (there should be a DivX logo on it), you can use any one of several free converters to go from MOV to a DivX or XViD AVI file. Here's a couple I've used:

    Good luck! Let us know how things go! ;)
  3. h2osxx

    h2osxx Private E-2

    tks so much, will do right away and let you know, really appreciate your help.

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