Trouble with my Internet Option settings

Discussion in 'Software' started by razmus16, Nov 2, 2005.

  1. razmus16

    razmus16 Private E-2

    Can someone help me? I have a Dell laptop 600M connecting to the internet via wireless. I am running XP home edition. Every time I restart my laptop, I have to go to the internet options and uncheck the "automatically detect settings" box under LAN settings. How can I keep this box unchecked so that I don't have problems getting on the internet? It won't stay unchecked after I restart. Does anyone have any ideas? Also, this box keeps other programs from accessing the internet. I've tried everything. Does anyone have the solution?
  2. Plaphon

    Plaphon Specialist

    Have you check your computer on viruses and spyware?
    Could you do it and tell us about the result?
  3. razmus16

    razmus16 Private E-2

    I have checked for both spyware (using Ad aware) and viruses. No viruses and only have the usual cookies on the laptop. I have deleted those already. I had installed Road Runner Dial Access Dialer, which allowed me access via the internet via dial-up. I noticed that I starting having trouble once I uninstalled it. Do you think that this is it?

  4. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest


    Third party dialers will often times control your proxy settings as well (Earthlink comes to mind). When you uninstalled it, it left stuff behind, obviously.
  5. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    I can't find specific removal instructions, and the rr online help requires registration.

    But, take a look:
  6. razmus16

    razmus16 Private E-2

    Thanks for the information. I tried looking on line, but didn't see anything. I even tried to re-install the dialer and uninstall it and have everything removed again. It didn't work. I have tried to install Windows XP and that didn't work either. I am at a loss as to where to go.....??


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