Trying to use a monitor instead of a laptop screen..

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by WilsonL, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. WilsonL

    WilsonL Private E-2

    Hi guys.
    I'm in some trouble here and wondering if you guys can help. Well. First of all, i have a HP dv2000 laptop and the laptop screen got smashed. It has vista and i'm wondering if I can use my other monitor and use that as a screen instead of the broken laptop one.. and I can't set up if I have to go to control panel or something cause I can't see anything. Help! THANKS!
  2. _dinsdale_

    _dinsdale_ Corporal

    I don't know that model, but most lappies have a keyboard shortcut using the FN keys to switch to the external monitor once you've plugged into your video out and powered it up.

    Good luck

  3. voodoo3rd

    voodoo3rd Corporal

  4. TheRealGEEK

    TheRealGEEK Private First Class

    You can use a monitor instead of a laptop screen. Just make sure that you switch your CRT/LCD key. Tell us if progress.;)
  5. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    1. Connect the external monitor and be sure it is powered on
    2. Press Fn +F4 key to see a display on the external monitor for HP dv2000.

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