Two firewalls at same time?

Discussion in 'Software' started by frybo30, Jun 30, 2010.

  1. frybo30

    frybo30 Master Sergeant

    I think I want to change firewalls from Comodo free to PC Tools free. I know one shouldn't run two anti-virus programs at the same time. Does that go for firewalls too? I guess I'm asking if I should remove Comodo firewall before installing PC Tools? Thanks for any help.
  2. barononeefdip

    barononeefdip Specialist

    two firewalls wil do you no good since when the firewall need to confirm soemthing to happen as it prevents it you'll get more confirmation prompts than needed so stick with one firewall, uninstall the firewall your planning on replacing and install your new one problem solved
  3. Harry Reams

    Harry Reams Private E-2

    Running two software firewall is not recommended as this will lead to conflict. Most routers now have a hardware firewall built in (basic as best). However one software firewall is recommended

    If you need to switch firewall programs, download the program onto your PC but dont install it just yet.

    When your PC is offline (ie Internet is not on), load your PC in safe mode (press F8 before your PC boots and select Safe Mode), and then uninstall the old firewall program. You can then reboot and install the new firewall program

    Once installed, reconnect your PC back to the Internet. Hope this helps
  4. frybo30

    frybo30 Master Sergeant

    Thanks for the replies. I now know not to have two firewalls running at the same time.

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