"U" driving me NUTS!!!!

Discussion in 'Software' started by fiona3637, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. fiona3637

    fiona3637 Private E-2

    Here recently, when I am typing in a online text box and hit the letter "u", a box pops up in my upper lefthand screen saying "Type in the name or word and Interent Explorer will search for it"......might not be exact, but close to it. So I lose my typing place, have to go up and close the box and resume typing. It is maddening and I cannot figure out how it happeend but would love any suggestions on how to kill this annoying little bug. Thanks!!!!![/I]
  2. ~Q~

    ~Q~ Command Sergeant Major

    Hi Fiona, welcome to majorgeeks :)


    What version of IE are you using?

    Also it would seem you have a problem where by your text is being displayed in un-attractive/enlarged colours and fonts, respectively :p
  3. fiona3637

    fiona3637 Private E-2

    I am using IE 8, Windows Vista Home Premium, 64 bit.......

    My font seems to have improved! ;)
  4. ~Q~

    ~Q~ Command Sergeant Major

    Ahh, that's much better... my pupils thank you :p

    Try looking in....

    >> Tools >> Internet options >> Advanced >>

    Look for anything related to searching and try unticking or ticking as applicable :)

  5. fiona3637

    fiona3637 Private E-2

    OK, I hit "escape" and this foolishness stops. Somehow I am activating this weird little thing whilst typing but when I hit escape it stops. Thanks all.......

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