ubuntu and xp with a router using road runner

Discussion in 'Software' started by ejames82, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. ejames82

    ejames82 Private E-2

    i am attempting to share a road runner connection between two computers using a linksys etherfast cable/dsl router model BEFSR41. the two computers i want to use are xpsp3 and ubuntu. linksys provides a book that only pertains to windows. the xp computer worked fine with the router, i had, and was using the internet. the ubuntu computer appeared to have a connection, but i can't be certain because i am totally new to ubuntu. i do not know how to configure ubuntu, much less do so with two computers simultaneously with a router. i am a total ubuntu newbie, but i like what i see. i thought i would be able to figure it out, but obviously it was too much for me.
    could someone who has experience connecting ubuntu guide me through the network setup process. thanks in advance.
  2. Petaluma

    Petaluma First Sergeant

  3. BoredOutOfMyMind

    BoredOutOfMyMind Picabo, ICU

    If you don't have it setup in XP, then you need that set up to ensure the router and modem talk to each other and then allow you out of the router onto the internet.

    If it works in XP, you set up in this order-

    1- Boot Modem and wait 2 minutes.

    2- Boot Router

    3- Boot Computer.

    I am not sure if RR uses Bridged ethernet or will allow a direct connection.
    Maybe start here?

    And if you have at least Ubuntu 8.04 the wireless is easier than in XP. Ethernet should be plug and play and you may have to reboot to get it to fire up.

    Oh, and welcome to Majorgeeks! :major
  4. ejames82

    ejames82 Private E-2

    what should have been only an hour job turned out to take a few hours. i ended up configuring with the linksys website on several occasions, rebooting numerous times, resetting my network connection over and over, and finally noticed my antivirus was updating and didn't realize what exactly what i did that made things correct. my technique was far from being perfect. the instructions also called for resetting the router and resetting the power on the modem, which i saw no clear way to do.
    i wish i could state exactly what procedure i took that worked. thanks for the replies.
  5. BoredOutOfMyMind

    BoredOutOfMyMind Picabo, ICU

    Glad you were able to get it all solved. Sometimes being a Linux user is frustration. Given time you will appreciate that it does work.

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