Ubuntu Printer Add Issue

Discussion in 'Software' started by Dhrystone, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. Dhrystone

    Dhrystone Private E-2

    Good morning all,

    I have a Dell Latitude 1525 laptop running Ubuntu, and everything works great except when I try to add my Windows printer. It's a HP DeskJet printer that is connected to a Windows Vista Dell Dimension desktop machine.

    When I go into Samba and try to add the printer, I can see the network, but when I select it, the window suddenly disappears. I've tried reinstalling Samba and reinstalling CUPS, neither of which worked.

    Anyone have an idea of something else I can try that might fix the issue?


  2. BoredOutOfMyMind

    BoredOutOfMyMind Picabo, ICU

    Is the printer in a Windows Network? If so, you will need the name of the network and the name of the machine.

    Do you have hplip and HP-GUI installed? They are found in Synaptic.

    Here is my connection for my HP6940 :) I also have an PSC-1610 all in one via USB.


    Reference Add HP Printer from Ubuntu Forums

    TIFA_COOKY Private E-2


    I used this video to install my HP inkjet printer. After I selected the Hp printer I restared my PC. It was was very simple. I hope this helps. This also works with Linux Mint. :major

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