Uh-Oh, PC is Kinda Not Really Working (virus, I think)

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by silverman, Feb 1, 2006.

  1. silverman

    silverman Private E-2

    I'll do this in seperate points, so its easier to read, I hope.

    -The PC (another PC I have access to) was being used to browse when it suddenly shut down, instantly. It was switched back on, and worked fine for a short while until it suddenly crashed.

    -When it was restarted windows refused to load up at all, hanging at the splash screen, even in safe mode it hung at the bit where it lists the files its loading.

    -I did a basic repair installation of windows hoping it would allow me in and also maybe fix the problem.
    Well it did allow me in but it was very slow and I couldn't use excel or windows installer and so I did another, more comprehensive repair install which made things worse.

    -Now it takes ages to load up, and there is no taskbar, the image is scratchy, because the colour is set at 4 bit and resolution is at 800 by 600 and cant be set any higher. Windows can be very slow.

    -Also when I try to open excel it says "Cannot use object linking and embedding" and an hour glass appears upon loading any file and it remains frozen like this.

    -Internet explorer takes long to load up and sometimes the entire system freezes and unfreezes after some seconds repeatedly for a few minutes. spy sweeper will not work, it froze during the ewido scan and Spybot S&D scan came up with nowt initially.

    -trend microscan and bitdefender wont work 'cause they wont load up properly, firefox ask for a disk from the floppy drive for trends scan, and bitdefender wont load cause the link to start the scanner wont work. Internet works fine.

    -I did another ewido scan, which came up with tracker cookies, and another spybot scan, some days later (today in fact) which came with more cookies, some winfixer objects, and 3 "windows xp disable..........." registry keys I think.

    -Can't copy and paste in browsers.

    -windows installer wont work, it claims it "can't be accessed"

    Is it possible I didn't do the repair installation of windows properly?? It seemed to run smoothly when I did it.

    Thanks for your help. I hope I'm not hogging the forums too much, I know you guys have lives and as such limited time to spare, and other posters to attend to. Very grateful indeed I am to you.

    Attached Files:

  2. silverman

    silverman Private E-2

    p.s. did the 1-6 steps, or at least tryed to, some really wouldn't work
  3. chaslang

    chaslang MajorGeeks Admin - Master Malware Expert Staff Member

    Correct!! Probably more like the system needs to be formatted and reinstalled. The multiple repair installs did not help matters and in fact trashed all kinds of registry entries for many installed applications.

    You are probably better off with a re-install.
  4. silverman

    silverman Private E-2

    ok, I'll give it a go............

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