uhhh... they can't just hang there...

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Ops.Drk, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. Ops.Drk

    Ops.Drk Private E-2

    Hey ppl, I just got some 5.1 speakers and I noticed the back 2 R supposed to be behind my head a couple of feet. How do I put them there? Do I need to make some kind of stand?
  2. Steak and Eggs

    Steak and Eggs Private First Class

    umm.. not to be a smarta**, but how else would you do it then? lol. unless you hang them from a string from the ceiling.
  3. Ops.Drk

    Ops.Drk Private E-2

    I was just hoping that someone might have a better idea, but ya I agree. That's so stupid, now I have to figure out how to build two stands.
  4. smokinbls

    smokinbls the title thing is overrated

    screw them to the wall.
    put them on/in a bookcase

    If you build speaker stands make sure that the speakers will not vibrate off of them. I learned the hard way. :)
  5. Main Frame

    Main Frame Corporal

    Once opon a time I made speaker baskets out of some cord and attached them to the sides of my chair, so the speakers hung behind my head.

    Just a thought..
  6. Steak and Eggs

    Steak and Eggs Private First Class

    if we knew could see what the room looks like and how you have everything set up, then we could have a better idea. like if you had a wall right behind you then you screw them to the wall. we cant see what you got so we cant exactly give you a good idea. see what i mean?? sry if i sounded like an a**hole earlier, lol.
  7. Just Playin

    Just Playin MajorGeek

    Do they have to be that close to your head? Isn't that just a minimum distance? I bought a set of wall mounts from Best Buy for $20 to mount mine. They have swivel joints to allow for proper aiming. If you are able to adjust your individual speaker levels properly, I wouldn't think they should need to be that close, otherwise you can find floor stands for small speakers at any home electronics supplier.
  8. suesman

    suesman First Sergeant

    Placement is key if you want an enjoyable experience. Just putting them anywhere behind your head won't give the best surround quality. Best way to truely test placement is with a movie of somekind, preferably something with alot of expolsions, heavy combat & even soft nature sounds. Don't wait & try to get it right using a game.

    Some brackets like Just Playin' said would be great if you have a wall behind you. Stands are also a good idea, just make sure they are adjustable, so that you can make adjustments for height.

    I would hate to see the money you spent wasted with a bad set up.

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