Unable to remove trojan despite following read and run me instructions

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by kpks, Jul 27, 2006.

  1. kpks

    kpks Private E-2

    I have already done steps 1 to 6 of "READ & RUN ME FIRST Before Asking for Support".

    Here are the pertinant logs.

    I still get popups frm symanec about a trojan.

    Please help!!!!


    Attached Files:

  2. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    - Pocket Killbox

    Run Pocket Killbox:

    Choose Tools -> Delete Temp Files and click 'delete selected temp files' wait for this to complete and click the RED X.

    In the combo box at the bottom select the following processes if found one at a time and click the yellow 'end task' button

    Paste the below filenames into KILL BOX one at a time. Check mark the box that says "Delete on Reboot" and checkmark the box "Unregister DLL" (If available) Click the RED X and it will ask you to confirm the file for deletion say YES and when the next box opens prompting you to reboot now...click NO...and proceed with the next file. Once you get to the last one click YES and it will reboot.

    If Killbox does not reboot or you get a Pending Operations type error message just reboot your PC yourself.

    Now boot into SAFE MODE

    Navigate to and DELETE the following:

    (Som of the files may have already been deleted by Pocket Killbox)

    Let me know if you can't delete any of these files.

    Rerun Activescan and post a log.

    Post a fresh HijackThis log
  3. kpks

    kpks Private E-2

    Thanks for the advice! I followed it to a T and when I went back to delete the
    files only win2B.tmp.exe was around.

    Here are the latest activescan and hijack logs:

    Attached Files:

  4. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    Did you delete it ? or is it 'Still around', your activescan didn't pick it up this time, (it only found the backups killbox made in the root of c:)

    Do you know what martaonline is, you have domain hijacks going to addresses that resolve to mantraonline

    Run HijackThis. Click the 'Do a system scan only' button. Place a checkmark in the box next to the following lines:

    Click on the 'Fix checked' button. Wait for HijackThis to finish; close HijackThis.

    Now boot into SAFE MODE

    Navigate to and DELETE the following:

  5. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

    You also no longer have any need for win32delfkil or the killbox backups

    You can remove the following folders

    Once you've done this run this online trojan scan to make sure theres no pesky relations to the first trojan on your computer.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2006
  6. kpks

    kpks Private E-2

    Thanks a lot for all your help!

    Symantec hasnt complained in 2 hours.

    I had to delete the asquared.ocs file from c:\windows\downloaded programs because I kept getting an access violation error when I tried to run the Trojan scanner. It is finally running now and showed some low risk files - cookies and wmdevice.exe in the launchmanager directory which I've deleted..

    I have no idea who/what is martaonline. My infected laptop is on a wireless permanently-on DSL. I guess I will start with making my wireless secure.

    Thanks a lot!
  7. matt.chugg

    matt.chugg MajorGeek

  8. kpks

    kpks Private E-2

    I just ran Trojan scan once again, I only got some cookies! Everything else on my system was clean.

    Thanks for the malware link. I m looking at it now.

    Thanks a lot for all our help!


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