Uninstall AVG 7.5/Win98SE

Discussion in 'Software' started by chukeej, Oct 24, 2010.

  1. chukeej

    chukeej Private E-2

    My OS: Win98SE/IE6 - IBM Thinkpad 365XD
    :( I currently have installed AVG 7.5 Build 445 (2/12/2007) on my laptop. I am trying to Uninstall it. However, uninstalling it from Add/Remove Programs brings up this error msg:
    "Uninstall failed. Details: Local machine installation failed. Installation - Error: Action failed for file setup.exe creating backup. Access is denied [5] %DESTINATION% - "C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Free\setup.exe.install_backup". %Source% = "C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Free\setup.exe".
    I also am unable to Uninstall it from Start/Programs/AVG Uninstall. I do not have the setup.exe as I think I may have deleted it after I installed the program.

    I also have problems uninstalling Zone Alarm..getting an error msg also. Will post my woes with this later. I am trying to uninstall both these programs so I can d/load newer versions of other antivirus/firewall programs which may not be so bloated, as my disk space is limited.

    Would very much appreciate any help and suggestions. Thanks.
  2. pwillener

    pwillener MajorGeek

  3. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    You probably won't fancy this suggestion at all, but rather than struggling with an old unsupported system like W98, for which there isn't now any maintained antivirus program, you could install a free Linux system such as Ubuntu. The learning curve is quite low, as all the familiar functions are there through the GUI, and it comes with all the software you are likely to need including a full Office compatible suite. Linux systems run well on older modest spec machines, as does W98.
  4. The Shadow

    The Shadow Specialist

    Google, for the AVG Removal Tool.
    Likewise, Google for Zone Alarm Removal.

    With an OS that old and unsupported, I think I'd not be worrying about an AV or firewall program for that computer. No one is writing hacks or viruses for '98 any more.
    You can always go into the windows explorer and just delete the programs and their folders from the hard drive.

    When I decided to upgrade from '98/SE to Windows XP-Pro, I did it with a Windows XP Upgrade CD and kept my FAT-32 format as well. XP runs great on a FAT-32 formatted Hard Drive.
    I'm still running XP-Pro-SP3

    Good Luck,
    Shadow :cool
  5. chukeej

    chukeej Private E-2

    Thanks for all replies. I think once I manage to have ZA and AVG uninstalled, I will try Ubuntu. Now I am going to try deleting the folders from Win Explorer and see if that will do the trick; if not, I'll give the other suggestions a try. Thanks for all the help.
  6. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Try going here and download and run the AVG Removal Tool. I don't know if it will run on 98se.

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