Uninstalling Flash Player

Discussion in 'Software' started by mastermiaow, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. mastermiaow

    mastermiaow Private First Class


    I have been trying to uninstall flash player (11,6,602,180) as there is a problem with playing stuff online programmes on Channel 4 (a UK TV channel). I have tried uninstalling in safe mode, shut down any programmes that might use flash player (I shut down google but don't have any games running). Despite running the uninstaller and it not showing in programmes and features (Windows 7) it is still running :confused

    Many thanks

  2. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

  3. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

  4. K@ABC

    K@ABC Private E-2

    To mastermiaow. You may not need to uninstall flash but simply disable it in the browser. For Chrome: type in the address bar "chrome://plugins" - find flash and disable.
    For Firefox: In the menu choose add-ons. When that window opens, choose plugins. Firefox even has a extension called Flashblock
    For IExplorer: Tools >>> Internet Options >>> Program Tab >>> Manage add-on options button >>> Filters >> (in IE 10 you can shortcut this by clicking the tool icon, then opening manage add-ons) disable Shockwave Flash Object.
    This way if you should need flash for any site, you can simply reverse the process. I personally use 2 browsers; flash enabled in one browser and disabled in the other. Same for Java. A note there are warnings about disabling Flash in IExplorer, so when I did use IE regularly I used a simple program called Toggle Flash

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