unwanted download prompts

Discussion in 'Software' started by jdeh, Sep 4, 2004.

  1. jdeh

    jdeh Private First Class

    I continue to get unwanted and unknown download screeens showing on my desktop from download accelerator. Don't know where this unsolicited stuff keeps coming from? Anybody seen this before?

    Bo Bo Bolinski
  2. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    jdeh, Can't help you with the unsolicited download screens but I suggest that you uninstall download accelerator and install something like Leechget.

    DA Plus loaded 130+ instances of spyware on my PC when I tried it ages ago. Booted it off very quickly after that.

    Leechget http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=1821

    Suggest also, you install and run

    SpyBot Search & Destroy http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=2471


    Pest Patrol (6mb in size if you are on dialup)

    as well as

    Ad-Aware SE Personal 1.03 http://www.majorgeeks.com/download506.html
    Cleanup! http://www.stevengould.org/ Freeware 3.1
    EmpTemp http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=1575

    These should remove most of the nasties you normally accumulate after every session on the net. All are free, most are on MG. All are essential IMHO. Bazza


  3. jdeh

    jdeh Private First Class

    Thanks Bazza! I will go get leechget. I currently use adaware and will dload the other 2. Thanks for your help. Are you familiar with the recommended (on this site) software Spyware Doctor, how good it is and is it worth the $39.95 asking price to register?
  4. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    jdeh, you're welcome. I haven't tried Spyware Doctor but have an acute aversion for paying for stuff if there is a freeware equivalent (frequently better than the paid ones anyhow). Don't know what Spyware Doctor does, but I use Spybot S&D (see link below). Maybe they both do the same thing. If you can get a free trial of Spyware Doctor, try it. Buy it if you like it. The choice is up to you. Bazza


  5. jdeh

    jdeh Private First Class

    Thanks Bazza! I ran them all. Great stuff. Too bad there isn't just one pgm that does it all.

    Bo Bo Bolinski
  6. jdeh

    jdeh Private First Class

    Bazza, I ran Pest Patrol but it wouln't let me delete stuff unless I purchased? Thought you mentioned it was free?

    Bo Bo
  7. jdeh

    jdeh Private First Class

    Bazza, I ran Pest Patrol but it wouln't let me delete stuff unless I purchased? Thought you mentioned it was free?

    Bo Bo
  8. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    jdeh, It is free to download, it is free to install, it is free to run, it just ain't free to fix up the problems it finds. Marketers of programs are entitled to make a living if they have a good product. Even MG is free, but (i think) it makes money from adverts, or sales of shareware, or number of hits on a site or product. I am sure they will correct me if this is wrong.

    You have 2 choices re Pest Patrol. Either purchase the paid version to remove the problems or remove the problems by another method. If you like the product, and can afford it, purchase the paid version. I remove any found problems by manually editing my Registry with another paid program, or Microsoft's own regedit.exe

    I don't recommend editing the Registry unless you know how to back up your Registry first, and feel confident about deleting stuff from the Registry. Getting it wrong is the quickest way to disable your PC.

    Type "registry" in the MG search page (without the quotes)


    and you will get over 50 options to try.
    Pity they aren't in Alpha sequence, but that is another story.

    The choice is yours. I decided to learn how to edit my Registry manually, but once again, backup first. Bazza


  9. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    Trying to achieve this is how programs grow into bloated monsters. Much better to get single problem specifically centred programs, although not as convenient, I agree. Baz



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