Upgrading Laptop Graphics

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Justice, Jun 2, 2012.

  1. Justice

    Justice Private E-2

    I have a Dell Inspiron 1545, and I am considering (or rather hoping to) upgrade the graphics. The laptop comes with integrated Intel graphics which do not support OpenGL 2.1.0. I've been researching around the web, and it seems to be a hotly debated topic whether or not the graphics can be upgraded on such a computer. I have yet to be able to find a list of actual expansion slots/connections on my laptop.

    I am hoping to disable the on-board graphics, and add a new graphics card. It seems to me that the obstacles are 1) whether a card would physically fit into the expansion slot, assuming I have one or more, and 2) whether the laptop has an appropriate connection available, however, I am no computer expert.

    So, quite simply, my question is: Is it at all possible to upgrade the graphics on my Dell Inspiron 1545, and, if so, what are my options?

    Thanks for the help everyone
  2. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

    No you can't upgrade the video card,it has integrated video built into the motherboard in one of two flavours intel gma or radeon mobility,to upgrade from the intel to the Radeon for a slight performance increase you would have to change the whole system board,you have a pci-e card slot but its only for communication upgrades not video.


  3. Justice

    Justice Private E-2

    I've been doing some more research and have actually found some interesting stuff. Apparently it is possible to set up a eGPU (external GPU) using the ExpressCard slot (using a PE4H to EC2C adapter). It seems a bit complicated, and perhaps too expensive, but it's something I will consider for the future.

    You can read more here: http://forum.notebookreview.com/e-g.../418851-diy-egpu-experiences.html#post5324240
  4. Rikky

    Rikky Wile E. Coyote - One of a kind

    I've seen them. I really don't see the point you reduce your convenient laptop into a messy,low powered desktop,you have to buy a video card,a power supply and a vi dock and whatever video card you get you'll only get a fraction of the performance due to the bus speed.

    Much rather spend the power supply and egpu/vi dock money on a used hp or dell with a pci-EX16 slot.

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