Urgent!! Windows cannot find CDplayer

Discussion in 'Software' started by chowdaah, Jul 26, 2006.

  1. chowdaah

    chowdaah Private E-2

    I am having a slight problem getting my cdplayer to recognize audio & data cd's.

    I load a cd and it sounds like it is reading it but then it does not.

    I find the cdplayer from the start menu and this is what appears on the screen.

    "There is no CD-ROM player attached to this computer. CD Player cannot start."

    It was working fine yesterday. I am running Windows 2000 Pro and currently my cdplayer is Sony CD-RW/DVD-ROM Drive #CRX320AE. I can load the drivers for this after. Please help before my boss finds out.

    Thank you anyone!
  2. Mada_Milty

    Mada_Milty MajorGeek

    Hmmm... I don't think it would even try to read if it wasn't setup correctly. This sounds more like a dirty lens to me. This is often corrected with a lens cleaning disc that is compatible with your drive. They are available at most department stores and practically all electronics stores.

    However this one confuses me. Either this is saying it can't access the device, or it doesn't have the software to read the files. Here's how we confirm windows recognizes the drive:

    1. Right-click My Computer
    2. Select 'Manage'
    3. Click 'Device Manager'
    4. Expand 'DVD/CD-ROM Drives'

    Here you should see a listing of your optical drives. If there is no yellow exclamation mark or red x, then there is no detectable software/driver issue.

    To confirm you have software, open Control Panel, and double-click 'Add/Remove Programs'. Here, you should see a listing of all programs installed on your machine. There should be at least 1 application here capable of reading the contents of your disc. If not, please install one.
  3. ItsWendy

    ItsWendy MajorGeek

    This is a pure guess on my part, but I've had the battle of the players leave my CD players in the dust. Every maker assumes your going to use their product to play the CDs, and try to grab the file associations. If you have more than 2 it can get quite tangled <grumble>.

    Sound plausable?

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