USB device cannot start

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by BubbleBlower, Jan 1, 2005.

  1. BubbleBlower

    BubbleBlower Private E-2

    Hi all and a Happy New Year to you.

    I have a strange problem that I hope you can help me with. I have 2 USB flash drives but only 1 will work on my pc. If I check device manager when both are plugged in I get the "device cannot start (code 10)" error message on the other drive.

    When I plug them both into another pc with similar setup (both XP Pro with SP2) they are both recognised immediately.

    As it is not the flash drive I presume it must be a configuration problem but have no idea what.

    Any suggestions?

  2. Toke

    Toke MajorGeek

    Is it activated switched on in your CMOS settings..
  3. BubbleBlower

    BubbleBlower Private E-2

    Is what switched on in CMOS?

    If you mean USB yes, I have 4 USB ports and all are being used quite happily with other devices except this particular Flash Drive.


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