USB hangs up system

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by magicman0502, Apr 17, 2004.

  1. magicman0502

    magicman0502 Private E-2

    Asus A7N8X-VM/400
    AthlonXP 2400+
    512mb PC2100

    Whenever I plug in a USB 2.0 SanDisk Disk reader, my system begins to run slow, (I'm talking EXTREMELY SLOW). When you try to reboot w/ it plugged in, it won't boot up properly, just sitting on a black screen for eternity. I've tried using another Disk reader... same problem. I've uninstalled, reinstalled all usb drivers, done Windows Update... I'm as up-to-date on everything as possible. Is this some simple thing I'm missing? Or is the motherboard physically defective? Thanx
  2. Robert

    Robert Sergeant

    USB Card Reader

    Could be a simple wiring defect on the Inlet Plug.

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