VBS: Check an INI File For A Value And Doing Things Based On What It Says

Discussion in 'Software' started by Heaney, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. Heaney

    Heaney Private E-2

    So I have an INI file like this:

    With a number after the =.

    Basically, in vbs can I do this:

    • If Version is > or = 181 Then Run Some VBS
    • If Version is < 181 or Version.ini doesn't even exist, Run Some Different VBS


    Oh, and the script I want to run for the second bit contains an if function.

    Just to make sure, you CAN have an if function inside an if function, right?
  2. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    Nested If-statements are possible.

    Have a look at how ini files could look like.
    Are there different sections? (in this case the ini file could contain more than one Version-value)

  3. Heaney

    Heaney Private E-2

    I made the ini file, it's JUST version =
    Nothing else.
  4. GermanOne

    GermanOne Guest

    Try something like that:
    Const strINIFullName = "C:\wherever\file.ini"
    Const strName = "Version"
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If objFSO.FileExists(strINIFullName) Then
      Set objRegEx = New RegExp
      objRegEx.IgnoreCase = False
      objRegEx.Pattern = "(^|\n)\b" & strName & "=\d+\b\r*"
      Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strINIFullName, 1)
      Set colMatches = objRegEx.Execute(objFile.ReadAll)
      For Each objMatch In colMatches
        strLine = objMatch.Value
      Set objFile = Nothing
      Set colMatches = Nothing
      objRegEx.Pattern = "\d+"
      Set colMatches = objRegEx.Execute(strLine)
      For Each objMatch In colMatches
        iVer = CInt(objMatch.Value)
      Set colMatches = Nothing
      Set objRegEx = Nothing
    End If
    Set objFSO = Nothing
    Set objWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    If iVer > 180 Then
      objWSH.Run "aaa.vbs"
      objWSH.Run "bbb.vbs"
    End If
    Set objWSH = Nothing
  5. Heaney

    Heaney Private E-2

    I'll try this tomorrow!

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