Very Poor Graphics

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Denise_M, Jul 4, 2007.

  1. Denise_M

    Denise_M MajorGeek

    The attached picture shows what my graphics look like if I don't have more than 1G of RAM installed. I have an LCD screen, SATA, XP Pro X64, and a Biostar TForce 6100-939 motherboard with a built in graphics card. My old computer used to do this but it was 5 years old and constantly used at high graphics sites.

    Right now I have only 1G of RAM installed because of testing that I'm doing. I have the screen resolution set at 1280 by 960 pixels, Color quality is set at Highest (32 bit). I used to have the screen resolution set all the way up but my monitor kept blinking on and off every few minutes. Reducing it just a bit caused that to stop happening, except for once or twice a month.

    Is this normal?

    Attached Files:

  2. Clark_Kent

    Clark_Kent MajorGeek

    Integrated graphic card are very bad try to go down to 1024 X 768.

    This should fix your problem and if it is possible add anothers GIG of ram this
    will help.....
  3. hopperdave2000

    hopperdave2000 MajorGeek

    Maybe check your resources also. I've seen the same thing happen in PC's that were bogged down by too many apps/services running or PC's loaded with malware. It wouldn't hurt to look at the refresh rate too; turn it up as high as possible (over 72hz if you can). Sometimes the refresh rate is 'locked' (esp. on LCD's) and you may not be able to change it thru Windows. Read the LCD's manual and see if there's an option to change the refresh rate. I have my CRT set at 75hz (default is 60hz). You may have to correct the horizontal and vertical sizes after 'upping' the refresh rate.....

  4. Denise_M

    Denise_M MajorGeek

    Thanks for your suggestions.

    I set the refresh rate at 75Hz several months ago because my monitor kept blinking on and off at high graphics sites. The screenshot that I attached is something that occurs once or maybe twice a month. When I took the screenshot, I had only 1G stick of RAM installed because I'm running tests in the Software Forum and I needed to remove the other 1G stick of RAM, but it was a good opportunity to take the screenshot.

    In my old pc, I had only 528Mb (not sure of the number) of RAM installed and I never had this problem. My monitor would freeze up when I was at high graphics sites for a couple of days but the "smearing" of something that I was moving didn't occur.
  5. thesmokingun

    thesmokingun MajorGeek

    not sure if this would apply to this, but i used to get that same thing a long time ago, and i think it was a combination of high graphic content and heat issues.

    also, on your screenshot, your running cpustabtest? it's using 84% of cpu...doesnt that program run a constant load on your cpu to check stability??? that would definitely cause your prob...and also, are you overclocking anything??
  6. Denise_M

    Denise_M MajorGeek

    I was running a CPU test when I took the screen shot because, when it normally happens, it doesn't stay on the screen long enough for me to remember to print screen and then do it, so while the opportunity was there, I took it. Normally, it's not running. I ran memtest also. Both tests found no problems, so I'm looking to find a hard drive test and a motherboard test, if there is one.

    Thanks for checking for me.

  7. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    Your problem is being caused by the higih cpu usuage, preventing your graphics card from getting a bigger chunk of processing power. Thus causing a tearing of the image like you presented because the graphics card can't get enough resources to redraw fast enough. Some apps are written poorly which can also cause this.
  8. Denise_M

    Denise_M MajorGeek

    Normally, my CPU usage is very low. It was high only because i was running a CPU test to determine if my CPU was ok. The attachment shows my CPU useage connection to the internet. It's very small. 99% is Processing Idle Tasks, which gives me a lot of spare CPU processing power.

    The reasons for the tests is because my computer is running very slow. I re-installed the 2nd stick of twin RAM so I have 2G installed now. It's still slow.

    Attached Files:

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