Very strange problem with my CD/DVD_RW

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Zer0_Ner0, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. Zer0_Ner0

    Zer0_Ner0 Private E-2

    My NEC DVD_RW ND-3550A has decided to stop recognizing certain DVDs, it wont even detect that there is a DVD in the machine. This cuts across all kinds of DVDs from games to movies. I would assume a DVD drive going bad would not discriminate amongst DVDs in this way, playing some and not others, detecting some but not others. But really, I have no clue :D

    I have changed other hardware in my computer, but the problem existed before the changes and is still here even after a Windows XP install on a new hard drive. I have not changed anything thus far, driver wise as I am not sure if that is the issue here.

    Thanks for any help.
  2. Mada_Milty

    Mada_Milty MajorGeek

    Nice drive! I have the same, myself. (well, my GF kinda stole it :D )

    The DVDs that won't be recognized: do they cause your drives read indicator light to come on?

    I've noticed some DVDs will do that. If this is the case, are they detected in safe mode?
  3. Zer0_Ner0

    Zer0_Ner0 Private E-2

    The drive whirs, green light flashes and the spinning disc icon appears next to the mouse pointer, but then does exactly nada. Trying to explore the disc brings up the "Please place a disc in the drive" crap.

    No change in safe mode. Still doesn't detect a disc or auto start (for the DVDs it won't run).

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