vgaoem.fon missing problem not allowing XP Professioanl SP3 to bootup

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Oscuro, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. Oscuro

    Oscuro Private E-2

    Is there any way for me to retrieve these missing files for my recent hard drive? All because of this stupid problem, I felt like I had to go out and buy a new hard drive and install my OS there and start off from scratch.

    Another question, if there is NOT a way for me to retrieve the missing files, such as vgaoem.fon, is there a way that I can loadup my old hard drive without the motherboard thinking it has to loadup my OS from it?

    I tried wiring the SATA cable as well as the power cable to it while having my *NEW* hard drive all hooked up, but it keeps trying to bootup XP Professional SP3 from my older one which is having the "missing file - vgaoem.fon" problem.

    Please help, I just really want to access my work as well as my games again. Had so much valuable data in there...
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

  3. Oscuro

    Oscuro Private E-2

    I remember reading this, but it sort of failed for me. I really do not know if you could use ANY Windows XP CD, ya know? I'll retry this... Maybe im doing it wrong.

    So if I want to access the files, all I need to do is buy a SATA-USB cable? There is such a thing? Sounds great! I'll see if I can find one at Fry's Electronics next time. Thank you. :)
  4. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

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