Vista Search is messed up

Discussion in 'Software' started by dlb, Nov 13, 2009.

  1. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    This laptop locks up after about 5 minutes or so, no matter what. I have come to find it's the Windows Search Service and the Indexing Service are hosed and this causes the lock up. I have tried A LOT of different things, including the stuff in these links:
    I tried installing the KB940157 update, and it made no difference either. Here's some info from the Event Viewer:
    "Windows search service terminated with service-specific error 2147749155 (0x80040D23)"
    "Windows Search Error - Event ID 7032"
    I scribbled this stuff on a peice of paper REALLY quick before the PC locked up and I'm sure there was more info than just this, but it's all I've got. ANY suggestions will be GREATLY appreciated!!!

  2. theefool

    theefool Geekified

  3. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    @ theefool: LOL I found the same link you posted above for Vista LOL I got all excited thinking "well this will FINALLY be easy". Yeah, right. I tried installing the listed update and I get "This update does not apply to your system". :( This PC has Vista Home Premium SP1, so I'm assuming the SP1 has 'newer' updates. I'll take a closer look at the link you provided for XP and see if maybe I can tweak it for Vista. Thanks for your help!

    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! THANKS!
  4. cake

    cake Corporal

    i have XP and one of the things that came up, one day, when i checked Windows update was their "new" Search thingy (just bloat, IMHO). sucked and i got rid of it (uninstalled) posthaste. maybe stuck with it on Vista; i don't know since i don't have Vista. i found mine in Add/Remove (check the "include updates" if you don't see it).

    you can do searches the old way, but takes a lot of looking around and more button clicking to get to where it'll search like it should. why in God's name would i want to search my desktop? it's RIGHT THERE, for crying out loud! sheesh.

    that was when i had "automatic updates" on. off now ("just tell me" is also good) and i look at that stuff before i include/install it. i ALWAYS go to updates through IE instead of clicking on that ugly, stupid icon in my tray (i have it hidden). btw, you DO have to go through IE for updates; MS won't let you use another browser. also, you can permanently hide any update you never want to hear about, again.

    also, if you can avoid it, don't install the Microsoft Update (also bloat, IMHO) thingy; just use the Windows Update.

    again, i'm under XP and you may not have a choice with Vista. hopefully, that's not the case.
  5. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Yeah- I was thinking along the same lines, and I checked the Vista version of Add/Remove > Show Updates and it says "No updates installed". :confused That seems a bit odd.
  6. cake

    cake Corporal

    someone else posted about something that may have had to do with Vista SP2 (or was it SP1?). could try uninstalling the SP and just getting the criticals, security & benign updates. i remember when XP wasn't so hot & had to wait on installing the SP's.

    i also found the Searchlight/Live stuff to be absolute bloat, especially since i don't use IE8 except for updates.

    also may be wrong about the uninstall. may have been a system restore or clean reinstall of XP a few months back.
  7. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Well, as a temporary "fix" I simply disabled the Windows Indexing Service and that seems to have corrected the problem. I have no idea if this will result in any issues long term, but for now it has fixed the immediate issue, and the owner of the laptop is anxious to get it back....

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