Vistax64 - annoying window that never goes away

Discussion in 'Software' started by hepemo, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. hepemo

    hepemo Private E-2

    Since yesterday that I keep getting a window that never goes away, I click continue, cancel or try again and it disappears and comes back only a few minutes later. It's driving me crazy.

    I've restarted the pc several times and even shut it down, when I turned it on today that message is still popping out.


    I got this new pc just a few weeks ago with Vista 64 and well I don't know if this is common but I'm starting to be upset by how easy it seems to give errors.

    Does anyone know how to fix this thing? I don't know if it helps but this message started appearing shortly after I tried installing an application yesterday, the application never started (the setup never appeared)... but a few moments later I started getting the message you see above and it just won't go away.

    Thank you :)
  2. collinsl

    collinsl MajorGeek

    This may be caused by the setup program attempting to run, and it may have added itself to the startup menu.

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