Volume Level Problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by beanier, Dec 26, 2004.

  1. beanier

    beanier Specialist


    I'm downloading a Cure show and the volume is too low. It's soundboard and high bitrate, so the sound quality is good, but the volume is a lot lower than my other music. So if I was going to randomize it with other tunes, I wouldn't be able to hear it.

    Any suggestions? thx
  2. Just Playin

    Just Playin MajorGeek

    If it is in MP3 format, MP3Gain http://mp3gain.sourceforge.net/ could be used to set the file volume to a higher decibel leve l- run it on all your MP3 files, and it will set them all to the same volume level.
  3. beanier

    beanier Specialist

    thanks a lot, sounds like a really useful program :cool:

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