W98se installation failed

Discussion in 'Software' started by emil jast, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. emil jast

    emil jast Private E-2

    Despite Anti Spyware & AV software my system get messed up and after many attempt to get rid of the offensive software failed I decided to start from scratch I can't remember how many time I did this.

    So this time on line scan detected spyware, virus and keylogger, since it is a trial version it did not remove the scum I have.
    So I decided to scan with Panda but it did not find anything, then I use AVAST also cannot find anything and in the meantime I forgot what software online did find the critters which I plan to purchase.

    To make longstory short I did the following;
    fdisk/mbr, then repartition and reformat then reinstall W98se in the process it showed the following ERROR message;
    Application error W98 setup caused Segment Load Failure
    in module GDI.exe at 0001:6DBD
    in module USER.EXE at 0001:3AB0
    in module KRNL386.EXE at 0001: 7CE8
    in module USER.EXE at 0019: 0429
    I repeat the above steps 3 more times and got the same errors .
    I scannedmemory with memtest86 for 11 hours and did not find any errors.

    Will some one tellme what is the problem here.
  2. Clark_Kent

    Clark_Kent MajorGeek

    So when you finish reformat go into your bios in put your cd-rom for first boot
    re-start computer and you should boot from the cd-rom(win98SE).

    Is that what you did ???

    If not try,if yes you cd-rom may be on his last legs how hold is it if more then 3 years it's time for a new one.....

    I have the same problem with a friends computers put new cd-rom and bingo
    everething when okay...

    hope this help.....
  3. emil jast

    emil jast Private E-2

    Bios I set to 1st boot CDROM 2nd boot floppy
    On bootup I don't see the system check the CDROM (I don't see the light come on)
    It says searching for boot record from CDROM ..... Not Found the it proceed to boot from floppy.

    This cdrw is less than a year old.
  4. Clark_Kent

    Clark_Kent MajorGeek

    try to check others setting in your biios first first boot some have cr-rom 0 or 1 or others play with them until yiou see light come ON.

    And then you should press spacebar to boot from the cd....

    And your win98SE is it a copy or original only original are bootable.....

    And check you bios for others place to boot from the cd-rom.....

    I will wait for your reply for others instructions...
  5. chapincito

    chapincito Specialist

    I had that kind of troubles before! And in some ocassion I unpluged everything, except the floppy and the CD (and of course the videocard and HD). Do you have a WIN98SE STARTUP DISK? If not, get one; will simplify your life. If you are going to do a fresh install, that is the best way, you can make a scan disk, check the partitions, reformat... Remember, power the machine up with the floppy in.
  6. emil jast

    emil jast Private E-2

    chapin & Clark

    This is a update, yes I have startup disk and all that it seems that my system is to put it mildly very temperamental. After fdisk&reformat&reinstall for the nth time finally the installation went without reporting any errors. I am holding my breath everytime I install a application and up to a point I decide to back up to a CD-ROM, but this backup always report error at the end, I am not sure if it's the media or what. I changed the CDROM several times but no help.
    I noticed that my new medias seems like 80% to be useless most the time it failed format and the drag and drop give's me access denied if I try to download from the net.

    Anyway my W98se is up and running again.
    Thanks for replying
  7. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    I'm probably one of the only ones who do this install with 98se, but I've never had a problem. First I used fdisk to remove all partitions, then recreate them, reboot, then I startup with cdrom access, fdisk /mbr, then I format the drive. Then I do the following:

    md windows
    md windows\options
    md windows\options\cabs
    stick the win98se cd in the cdrom
    cd windows\options\cabs
    copy d:\win98\*.* (This should copy about 115 files or so, to the cabs directory)

    Take win98se cd out of the drive

    If you do the install this way, you'll never have to insert your 98se disk ever again. Just put it in storage somewhere.

    But, I'm one of those, "MUST HAVE A 3.5" FLOPPY DRIVE" kinda guys! ;)
  8. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    It is possible that the memory may be failing, but memtest86 is not seeing it. Try reseating the memory, along with checking the harddrive for possible failure. If the drive is failing, you end up with all kind of screwy errors.

    I had one drive yesterday that even though it checked out fine, it would not load Win98se, and figured out the drive was bad.
  9. emil jast

    emil jast Private E-2

    browniz & theefool
    Thanks I will take that for consideration in case my puter start giving me trouble again.

    Theefool, "First I used fdisk to remove all partitions, then recreate them, reboot, then I startup with cdrom access, fdisk /mbr, then I format the drive" I followed up to this point, I will follow the other steps next time I have to redo it again.

    Thanks guys lets consider this subject closed.

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