Want to buy a lapto

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Divyesh, Jul 3, 2010.

  1. Divyesh

    Divyesh Private E-2

    p ..

    Hello friends,

    I would like to buy a new laptop for my sister because he joined engg in computer science field, so i m searching over net best laptop model for my sister.

    Actually i m not professional in this field so i think i get good suggestion here, today i came across from a site in which i seen a laptop model - HP Mini 5101 , which include many latest features but did not mentioned the configuration of that model.

    So Give me the best advice which should i buy for my sister ?:p

  2. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    1st, that HP Mini is not a laptop in the traditional sense. It is a netbook. These are typically underpowered computers and not good for much more than searching on the Internet, and light document work. They would not be suitable for engineering studies or work.

    Also, without a budget, we can't make any suggestions.
  3. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    While I agree the ASUS is probably a better choice for a netbook, I don't feel any netbook would be adeqaute for engineering studies or work in the computer sciences.

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