want to test parts that i do have right now, need to know if it'll work

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Tonglebeak, Nov 4, 2005.

  1. Tonglebeak

    Tonglebeak Specialist

    Right now, I just want to test the parts I have right now

    450W Coolmax PSU
    Floppy Drive
    Lite-On DVD Burner

    Next week I'm going to buy the motherboard.

    Since I'll have the motherboard, I'll be able to power the system on.

    What I want to do is just make sure everything's working properly (e.g. I just want to get a POST beep).

    I do not have the CPU, vid card, or RAM. Are they required to test the motherboard and the parts hooked up to it to get the POST beep?

    I'd like to just make sure the parts work before the 30-day RMA period expires for newegg.
  2. kjanz

    kjanz Corporal

    sure, the motherboard won't do anything without the ram/cpu/video.
  3. Tonglebeak

    Tonglebeak Specialist

    Great, so I wont' know if anything works until I have all the parts?

  4. zepper

    zepper Corporal

    Sounds like you need to get some more book learning before attempting to build your own system if you didn't already know at least that much.
    . Go to the http://forums.anandtech.com - click on search - go down to members list search - click on M - find mechbgon - open his profile - go to his web site - read the new builder's guide for a start.

  5. zepper

    zepper Corporal

    Directed at OP of course...

  6. da chicken

    da chicken MajorGeek

    Original Poster.

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