Warcraft 3 Battlenet Privacy Invasion

Discussion in 'Software' started by Ghost15, Dec 28, 2008.

  1. Ghost15

    Ghost15 Private E-2

    Hey guys. I started playing good ol Warcraft 3 on battlenet. It gives it great replay value and all, but I noticed that there are real NASTY programs floating around on the W3 battlenet that not only allow users to see my real IP (not the one used to surf browsers) but also programs to kick me from games and such. Firewalls dont seem to work.

    That is really disconcerting. I am wondering if you guys know of any programs that either block, hide, or change my IP address so that I can keep my privacy. Its not like I am a troublesome player or anything; I just want my privacy ensured. I know of browser based IP hiding programs, but this is an application, and I am not familiar with blocking IP's via apps. Warcraft 3 uses port 6112.

    Thanks for reading guys :)

    EDIT: Just in case youre curious, its programs like Banlist and Shadowfrench's custom kick which are some real troublemakers. As you can already guess, these programs can be used for good or bad.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2008

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