watt usage question

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by lukini, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. lukini

    lukini Private E-2

    I have a 250 watt power supply

    I just got a card that says 300 watt or higher power supply recommended.

    If I play WoW, will I ever cause any damage to the computer or would I need a new power supply?
  2. Clark_Kent

    Clark_Kent MajorGeek

    In the long run you it will cause some problem to your computer your better
    off buying a new powersupply now the standard is 400 or 450 Watt.
  3. ASUS

    ASUS MajorGeek

    Running a PSU at the max load is setting up for trouble.
    When a PSU dies it is very common to take other Hardware with it

    The PSU, IMO is the single most important piece of hardware in a PC, strangely this is the part everyone skimps onconfused

    Many PSU manufactures Fluff their watt ratings, Mostly the no name ones but even some Big names have & do Fluff (Thermaltake is one they have some real duds as well as some good ones, I'd skip all the generic aswell as Thermaltake:p )

    When I look at at PSU I'm more concerned with total Amps of the +12v rails & +5v rails

    Figuring out what PSU you need is based on more than the requirements of your Video card
  4. lukini

    lukini Private E-2

  5. ASUS

    ASUS MajorGeek

    Whats your system specs?
    If off the shelf, what Brand & model?

    Sorry, I can't recommend that PSU
  6. lukini

    lukini Private E-2

    AMD Athlon 2400+ ~2.0GHz
    1 GB DDR RAM
    Radeon x1300 PRO

    I'll get more if you need it...
  7. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    ive got this PSU running the pc in my sig which is overclocked in every way and it has been running like a champ for almost a year now.


    over 1000 reviews and a 4 star rating

    i know ASUS doesnt like thermaltake lol but ive gotta vouch for them on this one, its a solid PSU for a low-midrange system at a great price
  8. lukini

    lukini Private E-2

    wow...that is cheap, nice watts, good rating. That looks like a top contender

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