.wav files, Matlab and such

Discussion in 'Software' started by Antbert, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. Antbert

    Antbert Private E-2

    Hello. I'm doing a project for electronic engineering and require a tiny bit of assistance. I'll just explain briefly what the project is. Try to remain awake please.

    Musical Rhythm Detection and Beat Synthesis.

    Essentially, a piece of music is played (say just a piano playing on its own), I have to detect the rhythm (time signature, bar length etc.) and create a beat to play behind it.

    Anyway forget the beat bit.

    I'm told that there's a function in Matlab that lets you just read in .wav files but I am hopeless with Matlab and know nothing about it. I'd also like to be able to look at the envelope but I can't work that out either.

    Also, where can I get free sample .wav files to use? Just anything remotely music would do.

    Any teeny bit of help would be appreciated.


  2. Antbert

    Antbert Private E-2

    Damn should this have been in programming...? Apologies if so.

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