Wd My Passport Ultra

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by JonahWales, Oct 13, 2016.

  1. JonahWales

    JonahWales Staff Sergeant

    this external drive had files on it but when I hooked it up with laptop all files seem gone and its not readable on other computers and I only used one forth
  2. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    Please try and give information at the start of a thread that will enable people to help you. Without it, they can't.

    1. What is the exact name and model number of the drive - if needed look at the box, paperwork or on the base of the drive itself.

    2. How long have you had it.

    3. When did it first appear that files were no longer on it and on which of all your systems did this show itself.
  3. JonahWales

    JonahWales Staff Sergeant

    wd western digital ultra one terabyte

    6 weeks I guess

    today no files just one on this acer aspire

    how do I reclaim the othre 3 forths?
  4. JonahWales

    JonahWales Staff Sergeant

    i somehow got it back to 931 gigs for a one terabyte but it says 118 is used ... thats normal?only a 12 mb file is on it
  5. Just Playin

    Just Playin MajorGeek

    The way your OS calculates free space is different from the way the drive manufacturer does it and the drive is formatted with a filesystem to keep track of the data and it's location on the disks in the HDD, which takes up free space too. That's why your 1TB drive has less than 1TB of useable storage space.
    DavidGP and JonahWales like this.
  6. mdonah

    mdonah Major Geek Extraordinaire

    As Just Playin said, what shows for total disk space is normal (see att'd). But that 118 GB usage — did you clone your internal drive to it?

  7. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

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