Website Search Results

Discussion in 'Software' started by mbmadiw, Oct 5, 2009.

  1. mbmadiw

    mbmadiw Corporal

    I'm not sure if it's okay to ask this question here or not. I'm here because I trust the answers! If you think I should ask somewhere else, please tell me where.

    Regarding getting a website to show up in search results, what is some good advice to make that happen?

    I know how to use the keywords in the meta tag keywords and description. Is there something else I can do?

    I've heard that the more a site links to other sites, the more it will move up the search results list. Is that true?

    I keep seeing advertisements for software that will make a site come up in the top results. Are these worth it, or are they just duplicating the meta tags?

    Any other suggestions? Thanks! :)
  2. davismccarn

    davismccarn Specialist

    The first thing to do is to add your website to all of the major and local listing services. DMOZ, Google has a way to add your site, Superpages, Yahoo, Yelowpages, Yellowbook, and on and on, depending on your location. Good user reviews on those sites set up for it will boost the site tremendously.
    The second is to publish a few informational articles. ( I, for example, taught high school kids how to build a computer from scratch in 2004 using what the beaurocrats chose to provide and the articles on how to make that systemboard work still get 4500+ hits each month.)
    Third is some old fashioned legwork. Do Google searches for your site and keywords. From those searches, try others that are close but different. If you spend some time at it, you will probably find a better set of keywords which will move you up the results.
    If it is a commercial site, the next step is pay-per-click; but, unless you have a large budget, don't let somebody else manage it (!!!!) Most will let you choose a geographic area and set a limit on click pricing.
    Beyond that, I would need a more specific idea of what the website's purpose is to help more....
  3. mbmadiw

    mbmadiw Corporal

    That sounds like some really helpful information that I can definitely do! I appreciate you taking the time to give several suggestions. Regarding the informational articles, do you mean I should post articles on my website and/or other websites, blogs, etc.?

    My site is for my small business that I have just started. Therefore, I have a small budget (let's hope not for long!) and I have made and will continue to do the website all on my own. Regarding the pay-per-click option, is that things like Google Ads?

    Thanks again for the help. :wave
  4. davismccarn

    davismccarn Specialist

    In this area, if you Google "Computer Help Matthews", my small business comes up number one; ironically as a Yahoo Local listing! For a while, if you searched Yahoo for "Computer help" nationally, I was on the first page and the cost was zero.
    Go make your free Yahoo Local account (!!!) and encourage customers to give you reviews.
    InfoUSA is a prime source of business listings and you need to add yourself there.
    Post the articles on your website so, as they are found, you'll get more inbound links to your website.

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