What Anti Virus software do you recommend?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Xhai, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. Xhai

    Xhai Private E-2

    Hi guys,

    Just read the 'How to Protect yourself from malware!' thread, and was wondering which of the free Anti Virus software listed would you say is the best one to get?

    I am also considering paid Anti Virus software, so please let me know of any you recommend. Something not too resource hungry.

    Thanks a lot!
  2. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    In the free department you have AVG, Avast and Avira AntiVir. All 3 are very good.
    In the paid department, ESot Nod32, Kaspersky, any but Norton or McAfee. Those 2 are resource hungry. Norton can be difficult to remove at times.
  3. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    The free versions listed are actually as good or better for protection than the paid and as said the paid 'suites' are resource hogs and slow computers a lot.

    Personally, I use AnitVir. It's worked great for me for 3 years.
  4. gsteri

    gsteri Private E-2

    don't install norton, you will have a lot of problems like pc rebooting, impossible to uninstall completely, a pity because it is a good product but has too much flaws
  5. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Me too. By far my favorite anti-virus. Low on resources, auto-updates, and excellent protection. For the novice/beginning PC user, I usually recommend AVG because it's really easy to use and understand; the AntiVir interface isn't as intuitive or as user friendly as AVG. Use this link to download AntiVir, or this link to download AVG. Both are 100% free.
  6. Bugballou

    Bugballou MajorGeek

    Have to admit have tried most at one time or another, but like Avast as a freeware AV. Have AntiVir on one pc, it works well but has a nag when I update, that ane the open and closed umbrella... AVG works well also, at least the latest edition, at on time used it for a freeware on most machines, but it has trouble updating at times among other annoyaces. I liked Trend Micro's Internet Security until the 2008 release, haven't used Norton/Symantec since 03-04. Avast also supports Linux, and as I dual boot. Windows with Linux, I wouldn't be without it. on both operating systems. Just my rant, will probably favor another next year.
  7. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    I used to use AVG 4 thru 7 but got disheartened because they also loaded a anti-malware app too with versh 8 IIRC. Anyways, I'm running Avast now in Vista and a year before that on XP. Works for me, that's about all I can say besides having regular updates. I can't afford something like Nod32, not that it's that expensive, but many folk I know really like it, especially after using the 30 day fully functional trial, got rid of most infections and went out and bought it..
  8. Xhai

    Xhai Private E-2

    Thanks a lot for all of your suggestions!

    I went with Avira AntiVir. It's nice and easy to use, and seems to be very effective.

    Windows Security Alerts is popping up and recommending I turn on windows firewall. Does windows firewall need to be on when using AntiVir?

    Thanks again guys, very helpful.
  9. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    AntiVir is not a firewall. You should install that seperately (you will see recommendations for that in the same How to Protect...thread), or at the very least turn on Windows' Firewall.

    You should also have realtime spyware blocking which is different than an antivirus. Again...check the same thread.
  10. Bioware

    Bioware Private E-2

    Any opinions on Comodo Antivirus?
    I have recently installed Comodo Internet Security (Antivirus + Firewall bundled). Seems to work fine, even found and successfully delete 4 viruses.

    However, I don't beleive all this antivirus monitors, these hackers are so smart... =)
  11. barononeefdip

    barononeefdip Specialist

    i use avast and it has been keeping me safe for years + it makes automatic updates to keep track of the threats coming out every other day and has a chest (a quarntine) also resident protection to watch over emails, p2p & instant messaing, the program will imediatly abort internet connection when it detects a virus on an application downloading or makes you go to your previous web page when it detects a virus on a web page, firefox does something like that though, still you should try it for yourself
  12. Blades

    Blades Sergeant Major (Ret)

    I'm still running AVG 7.5, and still receiving updates....From reading the forum for free avg I don't know if I will get on the bus with AVG 8.xx it doesn't look promising. So I am looking for a good AV prg that will meet or exceed AVG.

    I would also like to take the time to wish ALL you geeks a happy holiday and THANK YOU ALL for your help with my probs in the past. The best minds in the world MEET here at Major Geeks.
  13. earlwhite05

    earlwhite05 Private First Class

    4 some very odd reason,i cant run avg,i alwyas wind up with viruses.i hate norton,every time ive tried norton ive once agen wound up with viruses.and ive tried alot of free antispyware and havent realy had any luck with them either plus i hate that i have to down load like 4 dif programs to be protected,for some reason every time ive used any thing free ive had to compleatly reinstall windows all over.so i went and paid 80.00 for the mcafee total protection for the past 3 years or so and never had a problem.and ive never seen the first bit of slow down in my computer at all andive got a intell celleron 2.8ghz,2gig of ram and two 80 gig baracudda 7200rpm hds on a computer that was made in 1999.with xp sp3. but i have had other computers that i have had all the free stuff on and they worked just as good as the mcafee.so i would say what ever works best for ur computer is what will do the job. well good luck man and have a mery christmas:wave
  14. beemer737

    beemer737 Private E-2

    I don't know if this is the place to put this but here goes. I have been using AVG 7.x Pro for years with no problems based on help from this site. Thanks!

    However, I just tried upgrading to AVG 8 based on the "free 6 months offer" and all heck went down. Downloaded and installed fine, updated fine, but then conflicted like you read about with kaspersky internet security to the point webpages would not load, even with kaspersky paused and computer restarted. Computer eventually froze. using Xp SP3, kasperskay internet security

    I tried deselecting AVG 8 options, which consists of one, the firewall. Everything else is always on, you can't deselect options in AVG8? It also appears 8 is a complete suite, not just what 7.x did.

    I uninstalled and now it all works again, I am reinstalling avg7.5. Hopefully someone has something like what 7.5 is or was?

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