What Are The Best Antivirus & Firewall Programs?

Discussion in 'Software' started by HasSanK, Apr 8, 2006.

  1. HasSanK

    HasSanK Specialist

    I recently had McAfee but it took up too many system resources and made my PC lag so I'm looking for a decent Firewall & Antivirus program(s) that doesn't take up a lot of resources and gets the job done. Also, it doesn't matter if it isn't free, I'll buy it :)


  2. Toni_1947

    Toni_1947 Command Sergeant Major

    This is what I use and I have found it to be an EXCELLENT security program
    Firewall, antivirus & antispam, ID protection, Instant Messaging Protection, Parental Controls....you NAME it!
    Take a look!
    ZoneAlarm Security Suite 6.1.744.001
  3. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    the free ones are usually just as good as the ones you pay for, at least some are....i used to have norton which i now hate with a passion, but i now use AVG free for antivirus and ZoneAlarm Free for my firewall. Been using them a few months now and havent had any problems whatsoever. Hardly use any resources either
  4. DarkCypher0x0

    DarkCypher0x0 Specialist

    I personally recommend Avast! and Kerio, they work well together and have kept my old rig pretty clean in which I now use that setup on this rig.

    Along side Ewido Anti-Malware, Very good setup :p
  5. For Firewall: ZoneAlarm
    For Anti-virus, spyare etc. . .:Ad-Aware SE Personal
  6. star17

    star17 MajorGeek

    Ad-Aware isn't an anti-virus program; it's a spyware fighting tool only.
  7. Kniht

    Kniht Sergeant

    I've found NOD32 and Kerio4 firewall work well together and don't use a lot of resources.
  8. Oooops!

    Oooops! MajorGeek

    AVG for AntiVirus
    ZoneAlarm for Firewall
  9. danparkcityut

    danparkcityut Private E-2

    aVast! and Zone Alarm

    AVG blew up when they went to engine ver. 7

    ZA is solid, as always


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