What do you think of this motherboard? Just ordered it

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by ozorowsky, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. ozorowsky

    ozorowsky Corporal

  2. ozorowsky

    ozorowsky Corporal

    also, I hope I'm going to see at least some performance gain by going to this motherboard. I currently have a Via PE-11L Motherboard. Am I wasting my money?
  3. BeerMonkey

    BeerMonkey Master Sergeant

    What kind of performance gain are you looking to get?
  4. Omegamerc

    Omegamerc MajorGeek

    Looks like a generic board to my knowledge; you should go for nforce2 boards because they outperform k8.
  5. ozorowsky

    ozorowsky Corporal

    nforce boards are more expensive, right? I am looking to make stuff like doom 3 and stuff load faster. And I'd like to have a system where you turn it on and like 30 seconds later it's all up and running. Don't get me wrong my system is fast, but I just want to have a system that runs really smooth. I was using a Hewlett packard at best buy, and they had a madden 2005 demo running and as soon as I clicked on something it loaded. Was nice. No delay.
  6. Omegamerc

    Omegamerc MajorGeek

    yeah but by what? 10-20$?
  7. ozorowsky

    ozorowsky Corporal

    ok, stupid question here: What would I gain by going with an nforce board?
  8. Anon-15281db623

    Anon-15281db623 Anonymized

    nForce boards are know for there quality. They are by far the best chipset you can get. :) They will be the most stable, and have proven over, and over again in benchmarks, that they are overall faster then the competition.


  9. ozorowsky

    ozorowsky Corporal

    ok, last question, found a 3.0ghz processor for 187.00 on newegg.com what is hyperthreading technology? I'm googleing it now.
  10. Anon-15281db623

    Anon-15281db623 Anonymized

    Hyperthreading simulates dual processors. It is really impressive. It is great when you run large, multipule applications.


  11. ozorowsky

    ozorowsky Corporal

    ok, so you think it is worth upgrading from a 2.2ghz processor with 400mhz fsb to a 3.0 ghz processor with multi thread technology with a 800mhz fsb?
  12. Anon-15281db623

    Anon-15281db623 Anonymized

    IMO yes. :) adding 800mhz and doubling your FSB speed will give you a nice boost.


  13. ozorowsky

    ozorowsky Corporal

    *DRUEL* also I'm replacing all my 233mhz ram with 400mhz. THat should help nicely too right? I swear I have OCD. THis all started over a new video card. (I should have the 5900fx in a few days)
  14. Anon-15281db623

    Anon-15281db623 Anonymized

    Oh yes. I have 1GB of PC3200 dual channel memory. When i play Battlefield Vietnam, and UT2004 i use well over 800mb. The extra memory is great to have.:)


  15. Omegamerc

    Omegamerc MajorGeek

    be sure you dont buy value/generic/namedbrand/housebrand/majorbrand but an actual NAMED brand Like OCZ, kingston,crucial etc. Your best choices are Performance and Xtra low latency.
  16. ozorowsky

    ozorowsky Corporal

    thanks for all the help/info guys. I think this will be a pretty stout system.

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