What is the best PCI Xpress card for a Hp Pavillon slimline?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Tlecuauhtli, Aug 5, 2006.

  1. Tlecuauhtli

    Tlecuauhtli Private E-2

    I seriously want to know before i go on with this thing, since im a gamer as well the onboard or integrated ATi Xpress 200 chip isnt enough for me because even with games running in lo res some details cant be attended to.But anyways I bought it new , and im thinking ati to go with it .
    Any suggestions?
  2. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Hmmm, if you have a PCI-E most should fit, where a problem may come is the bigger boards that require extra power supply. They are both long as well as may need a bigger power supply. They also generate a lot more heat in a small case, so you need to be very, very careful here. A slimline case lacks the space for good airflow which is usually needed on a gaming rig. You might consider replacing any standard cables (IDE) with rounded cables which could free up some space for air. They sell them at any PC store, even CompUSA for example.

    My suggestion would be to narrow down a small list (2 ATI, 2 Nvidia) of cards you want, then go find the specs to be sure they will fit. Hopefully, and I assume so, the space under the card is empty, if not 2 spaces, so the card can breathe. Most manufacturers should list length and width, if not many review sites will.
  3. Tlecuauhtli

    Tlecuauhtli Private E-2

  4. Tlecuauhtli

    Tlecuauhtli Private E-2

    If my chip is a 265 mb can i pair it up with my card with the same memory or could i go higher?
  5. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Your chip? Onboard video on your PC is probably 256 megs, that is pretty standard nowadays on a decent video card. There are some with 64-128 megs you can buy, but you wont see them for what your looking for, it would be a downgrade. The onboard video you have is solo, so if you get a 256 meg card, you can not share the memory. It is weird, basically video memory is proprietary, it is on the card and thats that, unlike computer RAM where you can add and subtract memory. Hope I answered everything, if not, or anything else, dont hesitate. Trying to simplify the best I can :)
  6. Tlecuauhtli

    Tlecuauhtli Private E-2

    Thanks intresting point though
  7. Tlecuauhtli

    Tlecuauhtli Private E-2

    So its better to get on of a smaller memory size?
  8. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Video card? No, if your gaming, 256 megs or nothing. Most 64 and 128 meg cards are on older, slow cards. 256 all the way brother.
  9. Tlecuauhtli

    Tlecuauhtli Private E-2

    I knew it,but before i even try to get it installed i should disable onboard graphics first on BIOS right?And what if its a DDR 2 or some other form of memory? Because i think what ive got is the DDR and im unsure what power supply wattage it has in stock.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2006
  10. Tlecuauhtli

    Tlecuauhtli Private E-2

  11. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Oddly enough I just added a card to my wifes Emachines and it automatically detected it. BIOS have gotten smarter, but if you know how to do it, then by all means, yes, disable it and shut down, then add in the card.

    Interesting choice of video card. Good reviews for games, great price and even found a review that compared its smaller size to its rival GeForce 6800:


    It also compares its size to other ATI cards, a great read that I think will make the decision for you.

    I dont think you need us, your on the ball :) I think your in good shape here.
  12. Tlecuauhtli

    Tlecuauhtli Private E-2

    Thanks sir, you do have a point on the BIOS since my last DEKtop which ultimately died on me (Sony) i only had a few adv. features ,now i can nearly change every aspect of it..but i wont because its not a smart thing to do..unlesss I want to study more on computer repair and techs..i ll leave it alone.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2006

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