What Prog For Capture Streaming Video All Websites ?

Discussion in 'Software' started by DBenz, Apr 9, 2016.

  1. DBenz

    DBenz Private First Class

    I need something simple to capture as mp4 any streaming video, not just you tube, but any website, in the best resolution available for the stream. To work as of now as sites are forever trying to outwit downloaders.
    Something simple as its playing, select from a list of options, or else copy address to clipboard then paste into progs address window and click download.
    Dont want to have to run a prog before running the video so it captures it, as that involves knowing what I wish to capture before I view it !

    I did have VideoDownloadHelper for Firefox and then bought ADP for the hi-res options Jan 2016 but both have ceased working, despite reinstalls and developer says youtube have now changed their ways and outwitted him, so lost my money there.

  2. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

  3. DBenz

    DBenz Private First Class

    If purchase means a decent recorder then I will, but I dont see anything that strikes me as a good contender there, I dont need video editing etc, just capture the file being received by the PC and I have Jing but it captures as a flv file and means dragging a capture window so its capturing a screen image, whilst its capturing the screen I cant use the PC as it will capture any change of screen. I wish to get hold of the original file, and continue browsing or working, also is time limited to 5 mins.

  4. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    That guide is only free programs. Just search for reviews on paid software.

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