What Upgrade Should I Purchase Next?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by HasSanK, Oct 28, 2006.

  1. HasSanK

    HasSanK Specialist

    I've just upgraded from 512mb - 1gb RAM but unfortunately my motherboard can only support 2 RAM sticks with a maximum of 512mb per stick, so upgrading my RAM any further is out of the question.

    Anyway, here are my specs and I was wondering what I should upgrade next as Christmas is coming soon and I'm going to be asking for PC upgrades from my parents:

    OS - Windows XP
    CPU - Intel Celeron 2.6Ghz
    RAM - 1gb PC3200 DDR RAM
    Video Card - 256mb ATI Sapphire Radeon 9200 Atlantis
    PSU - 350w
    Motherboard - MicroStar International Gamila/Giovani/Neon Series

    What I should have said above is that this upgrade will be MAINLY for improving Games on the PC, but I'll obviously benefit from other program use etc, such as opening winamp, firefox and things like that.

    Also, I don't have a PCI Express slot on my mobo so if I upgrade my graphics card it'll have to be AGP compatible.

  2. mulletgut

    mulletgut Private First Class

    I'd say by your post, you know that the video card has to go.
    Also, will the motherboard support better cpu's? Have a sqwizz at the mobo manual to see what chips it will support.
  3. HasSanK

    HasSanK Specialist

    My Motherboard came with the PC when I bought it and I lost the manual a long time ago. Is there any other way of finding out what I need to know?

    I didn't actually know that you had to have a certain mobo in order to support a certain processor. I assumed that my mobo could support any CPU out there :confused:

  4. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

  5. Jazagod

    Jazagod Command Sergeant Major

    go for a new mobo, and throw your parts onto that, it would make a decent system
  6. HasSanK

    HasSanK Specialist

    Here is the Everest report mate


    Attached Files:

  7. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    lil problem here: the AGP slot is only 4x which will bottleneck any video card u get. dont get a new mobo, you'll have to get a new case too and then an old socket 478 mobo which dont have PCI-E (no good ones do at least) which leaves u with a max of a 3.0ghz p4 (about $80) and a 7800GS (about $300) video card which is a complete waste of money. Id just build a whole new system. Tigerdirect.com has some pretty good budget barebone system deals

    if u wanna drag out the life f this one, get a new CPU and toss in a mod-range video card like a 6800XT(only the XFX one is decent)/6600GT/x1650PRO. HOWEVER any of those cards will require u to upgrade ur PSU which, in most cases, isnt possible in Compaqs and other similar manufacturers' cases due to the small size of the cases. Lemme know what ya wanna do
  8. HasSanK

    HasSanK Specialist

    I know it's possible to upgrade my PSU as I've done it once before (from 250w - 350w) so that's not a problem.

    The 6800XT is the only one out of those graphics cards listed above that I'll be able to use as it's the only AGP compatible card.

    Also, when getting a new CPU what do you recommend, AMD or INTEL?

  9. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    yo'uve gotta stick with an intel socket 478 here, ill do some research as to what the max processor is that your motherboard can take.

    BTW those cards were just a recommendation, there are plenty others that u could get. what country do u live in so i can check out the appropriate website to buy stuff from and ill be able to give u links
  10. mulletgut

    mulletgut Private First Class

    the 6600GT does come in AGP and is a very good budget card.
  11. HasSanK

    HasSanK Specialist

    I live in the UK pal.

  12. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

  13. HasSanK

    HasSanK Specialist

    Nice, my best friend also has this card but he's not really talked to me about it much.

    Is it good?

  14. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    yeah it is and it overclocks very well. only a little below the performance of a 7600GT PCI-Express when you overclock it (i can get mine um to 500 core 1300 memory)
  15. HasSanK

    HasSanK Specialist

    Is it easy to overclock as I've not the first idea about overclocking.

    Also, let's say I didn't OC, would it still be a good card?

  16. viper_boy403

    viper_boy403 MajorGeek

    yea its great. BTW, video card overclocking is very easy and if u need any pointers lemme know

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