Which program is the best for hardrive copy

Discussion in 'Software' started by T Slavin, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. T Slavin

    T Slavin Private First Class

    Which is the best program to copy my hardrive so I can install a larger drive in my computer.
    I have looked at partition wizard home edition and easeus disk copy.
    I really need to copy the entire hardrive, so I don't lose any company records. I have a small home based business so I have to do this myself.
  2. Tonyrush

    Tonyrush Corporal

    The program that I found the easiest to use was a program called Casper. This is literally a friendly program that does the same as the program ghost, and their is a free trial time to evaluate it. You'll find that it's very easy to backup one or several drives quickly. Just set the blank drives up on the pc with the disk you want to copy. Casper will see all of the disks available and ask you which one to copy, then will ask which drive is the destination. And it shows which are available. I'm sure you'll love it. Let me know what you think too. Have fun.
  3. T Slavin

    T Slavin Private First Class

    Thanks for the info, I will check it out.
  4. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    I use Acronis True Image on all my windows computers.
    The program allows you, through a wizard, to burn a recovery disk so you can run the program from a CD even when windows does not boot. I use this CD to load the program into RAM, even before window loads and then either burn an image or put an image on an external hard drive connected throught the USB port.
  5. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    Partial to xxClone myself.
  6. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    Before you embark on this there are several things to consider:

    Does your PC have a recovery partition
    What make is your PC
    What operating system is on your pc

    The answers to these question will affect what you need to do to successfully move your system to a larger drive.
  7. T Slavin

    T Slavin Private First Class

    I have a sony vaio desktop with win xp, and I do not know if there is a recovery partition on the drive. How would I be able to check for a recovery partition on the unit.

    Thanks for all replies, and I am looking into all programs to clone and partition my existing drive to a much larger one. I really need to have more than the 80 gig which has been used up. The small partition that sony put on the unit was to small for all the updates over the past 5 years.
  8. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek



    The console which opens will show the hard drive and the partitions on it.

    What order are they in?
  9. T Slavin

    T Slavin Private First Class


    I went to the program that you sent me to and it shows that the partiton is a basic type with a ntfs file system. C drive is a 16gig capacity with less than 5% left. D drive is a basic type with a ntfs file system with 56% free space.

    The entire drive is 74.52gig with c and d combined on it.

    So which program do you think would be the best to use.
    Should I clone everything to a new hardrive with larger a partition or can I increase what I have.

    If I copy everything to another drive can I use another computer to do it so I can write everything to the new drive, or do I install the new drive to the computer via usb port.
  10. studiot

    studiot MajorGeek

    If your partitions look like the attached picture from a 40 G drive you have a 16G Windows partition (C) and a 59G data partition (D) but no recovery partition.

    When you copy partitions it is wise to cleanup first or the copy process may fail.
    So delete all temp files, the internet cache and so forth.
    then run check disk.

    Then I recommend this (free) program -it is really easy use. Copy each patition separately, the new can be a different size from the old.


    Make sure when you copy that you choose to create a primary not logical partition to copy to and set the new copy active when finished.

    Attached Files:

  11. T Slavin

    T Slavin Private First Class

    Thanks so much for the info; it will be a few days before I can try this. If I should have any more problems I will let you know.
    I will work with the program before I attempt to copy the main computer so I don't screw up.

    Once again Thanks so much, Tim

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