Why am I unable to change the File Attrib's for my Steam Folder?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Are-Oh, Mar 27, 2005.

  1. Are-Oh

    Are-Oh Private E-2

    I've been having issues for some time now about custom map downloads in my Steam/HL2 DM Games. Please see: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=233012

    Anyway, I've found that my Steam Directory has some read-only files that may be causing the problems. But, for what ever reason, I CAN NOT seem to change the folder's/file's attrib's via Windows XP Explorer or comand prompt even via Safe Mode. What's the deal?

    What are some other ways to change this folder's and its file's attributes?



    Attached Files:

  2. Kodo


    looks as though you're using FAT32.. try booting up with a win98 boot disk and attribing the folder/files from there.
  3. Are-Oh

    Are-Oh Private E-2

    XP's Disk Management shows that all my drives are NTFS. But, I may try a boot CD shortly, anyway.

    Thanks! And, please keep the ideas coming.
  4. Kodo


    Ah, then you must be using XP home then.

    You can definately try the recovery console or maybe doing one file at a time in the folder. If you're doing the folder at the root and a file is in use, it may throw an error. So by doing it one at a time, it may give you an idea as to which files are in use.
  5. Are-Oh

    Are-Oh Private E-2

    Thanks again! I'm using Windows XP Pro, by the way. Odd, huh? ;)
  6. Are-Oh

    Are-Oh Private E-2

    Also, yes, I've tried to attrib each file one-at-a-time (via Windows).
  7. Kodo


    hmm. simple file sharing must be enabled then.

    Sysinternals Freeware - Process Explorer

    Try this utility to see what processes are running for steam and kill them. Perhaps then you can change the att's.
  8. Are-Oh

    Are-Oh Private E-2

    Well, nothing's worked, so far. And, I'm not showing any Steam files running w/ the freeware program you posted. I'm starting to get the feeling that I'm missing somthing important that's not included in my nLite-custom Windows CD (that I made some time ago). So, I'm moving the Steam dir over to a different PC (that doesn't have an nLited OS) and will see how the attrib's act there.

    Thanks again! We'll see...
  9. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    THIS link may help.
  10. Kodo


    This is the part when I smack myself in the forehead. Ya know, you get so filled up with info that old info just has to be packed away in a dark, back-room of your noodle. That's a long winded way of me saying " I forgot about that for folders ".. :eek:
  11. Are-Oh

    Are-Oh Private E-2

    Okay, guys. Thanks again for all the help!

    I've used that MS link as a referance and gave the commands a go. But, Properties still shows the folder as "read-only." Again, only some of the files seem to be read-only; hence, the "grey" check mark.

    Did I apply the settings correctly? Shound't Properties now show a clear box in the read-only attrib area?


    Attached Files:

  12. Insomniac

    Insomniac Billy Ray Cyrus #1 Fan

    Well if it makes you feel better, I'm also confused. :)

    Let's blame Micro$$oft, I always find that makes me feel better.

    The attributes to a folder are ignored by Windows, so don't worry about it. (Read the heading "CAUSE" in that link.

    More importantly are the attributes of the folders contents.

    Are they read-only?

    Has this fixed your original problem, and if not, what are you trying to achieve?

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